Calgary is a nice place?

2019-02-27 2:45 pm

回答 (9)

2019-02-28 6:45 pm
Depends on your definition of "nice" but I like Calgary.
2019-02-28 9:18 am
2019-02-28 7:23 am
yes, also close to mountains.
2019-02-28 2:41 am
Yeah, I haven't been there in a while. But my wife and I spent time in Calgary when we went to Canada for our 20th anniversary.
2019-02-28 1:57 am
That isn't a qeustion.
2019-02-27 3:06 pm
I agree, but I wouldn't want to live there. Us coloreds don't do so well in that climate. Too cold and not enough ultraviolet from the Sun to keep up vitamin levels to prevent any number of afflictions. Too much melanin in our skin.
2020-09-04 2:11 pm
It HAS to be good.  I live here.  If it wasn't nice, you can be sure I wouldn't be here.  
2019-02-27 2:57 pm
Yes, May and July have the most pleasant weather
2019-02-27 3:25 pm
Edmonton is better.

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