Horror movies to show a scaredy cat?

2019-02-27 1:05 pm
I love horror movies, but my girlfriend is terrified of them. But, she wants to watch one with me to give it a shot. I want to show her horror movies can be fun and exciting, not totally just scare the pants off you. I was thinking Halloween 4, Friday the 13th part 3, or the cabin in the woods. Any suggestions?

回答 (11)

2019-02-27 1:53 pm
Show her young Frankenstein...
2019-02-27 2:30 pm
Army of Darkness
They Live
Swamp Thing
2019-02-27 2:08 pm
2019-03-03 7:36 pm
Original Friday the 13th movie
2019-03-03 4:06 pm
Think the Sixth Sense (or similar, eg The Others, Nightmare before Christmas, Beetlejuice). They're not horror horror but have that little bit scary to them

Go for more psychological and generally less bloody / slasher.

The Frighteners
Let the Right One In
Pans Labyrinth
The Exorcist
2019-03-01 2:20 pm
Cabin in the woods would not really make sense if she has not seen a lot of horror movies.
How about somthing a little silly like Cursed, or The frighteners.
"The Others" was great and not too scary.
2019-02-28 12:48 pm
Grave Encounters
2019-02-27 10:56 pm
There's nothing better for breaking someone in to horror movies IMO than to show them short horror films, which are freely available online. It's sort of like getting samples of ice cream at the shop to see which one you like, without the inconsideration of holding up a large line to try the lot. I've tried to rank them from least to most terrifying. Anyway, here are some that are all great:

The Black Hole
Exit (with Julian Glover)
Ten Steps
The Jigsaw (about a puzzle, not the movie series)
Attic Panic
2 AM - The Smiling Man
He Dies at the End
Lights Out
Special Day
Play Time
The Thing in the Apartment

There are so many great short films online that you could have a marathon that lasts a solid weekend. Try the links to others you'll find on YouTube, but note that some can be very scary and/or gory, while many others are not very good at all. If it is stamped with "award winning" or the like, then that is usually a good bet.
2019-02-27 1:34 pm
Friday the 13th (original)
Original Halloween
2019-02-27 3:59 pm
The fact that you're referring to her as a 'scaredy cat', which is really patronising, unkind and rather childish, makes me think that you're not mature enough to have a girlfriend at all.
Not everyone likes horror movies.
If you're pressurising her in any way at all - even just by making fun of her - please don't.
Watch them on your own or with like-minded friends, but leave her out of it.

If she really wants to see one - not just to please you - pick one which is really unrealistic and not very scary at all.
2019-02-27 1:06 pm
Cannibal Holocaust

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