Virgo rising physical appearance?

2019-02-27 4:37 am
Aries sun
Aqua moon

回答 (4)

2019-02-27 12:00 pm
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Long, lean, wrangly. Eyes have large upper lid.
But in my decades of doing readings, almost NEVER does a Virgo-Rising person LOOK like a Virgo.

But they ALWAYS act like a Virgo when you first meet them.
That is because the Rising Sign is the "appearance" of our PERSONALITY, and not of our body.
It represents the mask of behaviors we put on when we are meeting someone, and when we are in a situation where we are not totally comfortable. It is the behaviors we use, hide behind in order TO feel more comfortable.

Virgo Rising tends to talk. A lot In great detail. I once listened to a Virgo-Rising person who talked for 45 minutes about a pair of eyeglasses he had once owned.
And my Virgo-Rising boss would have people lined up outside his office waiting for approval on this or that ... which took forever, because the boss always talked in great detail about everything.
2019-02-27 5:04 am
The sames as any other Zodiac sign.
2019-02-27 8:16 am
That would depend on dna obviously
2019-02-27 4:53 am
I need to take a sh1t

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