請問He's as honest as can be,當中的as ...as can be是什麼詞性?

2019-02-26 4:41 pm

回答 (2)

2019-03-01 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He is as honest as he can be.
as ... as

He is honest.
He can be honest.
上面兩者用as ... as連接,形成同程度比較的關係。

I am not as rich as I was.= 我不如過去那樣富有了。
2019-02-26 8:18 pm
as honest as=the same thing as, in manner;
=as honest as (he) can be
=Will he be as honest as "he" can be?
=Will he be as honest as "his" words;
=sure to be honest + as" he" can be;
=introducing a non-defining relative clause, the antecedent being inferred "He".
,a conjunction;
eg:-As honest as" he" can be, "he" is as good as a gentleman.
I can see-----s+vt
as honest as "he" can be-------DO followed by an adj cl. introduced by as, or a clause introduced by as---as;"he" is to be understood.

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