Should those in charge of charitable organization, e.g., 'March of Dimes', receive large salaries, bonuses, and benefits.?

2019-02-25 12:05 pm

回答 (4)

2019-02-25 1:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because they are running scam charities used to line their pockets rather than help those in need.
2019-02-26 4:30 am
Most of the money donated to big name charities is used for administrative expenses, executive salaries, and fund raising expenses. Only pennies of the dollar go to benefit anyone not on the payroll. March of Dimes, 10% payout. UNICEF CEO gets $1.2 million a year. Goodwill CEO takes $2.3 million and pays the help -0-' And so on!
2019-02-25 12:08 pm
they already do...alot skim from the charities themselves...
2019-02-26 1:17 am
Of course they shouldn't that's why I only give to one charity and that charity is, Ma** St***** Ho*****

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