英文問題請教 thx thx?

2019-02-24 10:36 pm
They stayed hidden until Northampton, when they created a disturbance and the surprised driver let them out.
(stayed hidden)??

還有 the thing we do for love
the world we love

thanks for your answer

回答 (1)

2019-02-25 1:35 am
They stayed hidden until Northampton, ....
= They stayed hidden until they reached Northampton, ... 他們一直隱藏起來,直到他們到達北安普頓

"stayed" (=remained) functions as a linking verb, followed by an adjective or noun.
"hidden" is the past participle of "hide", functioning as an adjective.
(意思是 continued to be in the state of hiding)

- the thing (that) we do for love
- the world (that) we love

Both are noun phrases with relative clause modifying the antecedent.
關係子句(relative clause) 用來修飾先行詞(antecedent)
The relative pronoun "that" is omitted as it is the object of the relative clause.

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