Some guy wants me to buy a phone for him and is offering to pay me. Scam?

2019-02-24 9:43 am

asked if i was 21. Im not desperate for cash but i cant find any info online. But my spider sense is tingling and i get the inkling its a bad idea. met him near a smoke shop, could smell the marijuana from 20 feet away. He gave me his contact for it and i went my way. Recently asked if i wanted to make some cash, says his cousin works at some phone place and if i was 21. Scam? i think it is but am not certain so i thought id come back to Yahoo Answers, one of my old go-to's for writing dumps.

回答 (4)

2019-02-24 5:50 pm
Of course it's a scam. If he weren't a scam he'd buy his own phone. There is no reason why he can't buy his own phone unless he's a drug dealer who wants YOU to buy the phone so when the police trace the phone, it comes back to you. Or he wants you to get a contract then you are the one legally responsible for paying it
Why would you even ask this? You should have just said "Go buy your own damn phone"
2019-02-24 10:29 am
Absolutely yes. Tell him that he can buy the phone himself like the rest of the world does
2019-02-24 9:48 am
Yes it's a scam, he gets the phone and you get the bill, then he sells the phone and you get stuck. What is it with you young people? You dump all over your families and you give your unending trust to abso-freaking-lute strangers.
2019-02-24 9:44 am
Yes. Thanks for realizing free has a price.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:35
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