
2019-02-23 9:58 pm
請問各個動詞或者片語皆有其所屬的介係詞,請問這些介系詞的使用是否有大方向的原則可供依循,比方說reminder sb of sth 諸如此類都可以從字典得到,但在累積的字數多了便會開始混淆或者遺忘。 不知是否有更有效的方式可以輔助記憶及了解呢?

回答 (1)

2019-02-24 10:55 am
“各個動詞皆有其所屬的介係詞” : 這句話不成立
以agree 來說,後接介係詞可為with、on或to,取決於受詞與主詞的關係
Agree with/同意某人(的意見)/適合(人)
1. I agree with you (on this issue).
2. Matt does not agree with my answer.
3. The climate in Hawaii agrees with me. I’m thinking of moving there.
Agree to/同意某事
1. He agreed to my demands.
2. He agreed to join me for the movie.
3. The union leaders agreed to the company’s contract offer.
Agree on/兩方或多方針對某一主題達成協議或辯論的觀點
1. We agreed on this issue.
2. They agreed on a plan to defeat the enemy.
除了由多讀外,制式常規不多(或者說有例外的常規太多) -- 因此是除了多讀及参考ㄧ些文法書外沒有捷徑

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