Check my English grammar please?

2019-02-22 9:43 pm
english not my native language. this is letter for my best friend:

This is going to be the year you realize how extraordinarily far you have come. It’s time to awaken dormant dreams, remember why you started, fall in love with life, and bloom wherever your choices may take you.

So proud of the changes you’re starting to bring into your life. You got this.

回答 (1)

2019-02-22 9:56 pm
My version would be -
This is going to be the year when you realize how extraordinarily far you have come.
It’s time to awaken forgotten dreams, remember why you started (started what? You have to qualify that. Maybe 'started on this path' or 'how you started out' or something like that?)

... fall in love with life and make the most of wherever your choices may take you.
You should be so proud of the changes you’re making to your life. (or 'I'm so proud of you, for making so many changes in your life,' depending on what you meant.)

I don't know what you mean by 'You got this'. It's not real English and is very odd.

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