Do you think college provides an environment where people are more at risk to experience trauma, why or why not?

2019-02-21 6:25 am

回答 (3)

2019-02-21 7:19 am
In some ways, yes. They are out from under the supervision of their parents, and I've seen kids who got carried away by that freedom, partied too much, and let their opportunities slip away. But college students are far less likely to experience many of the traumatic experiences that face 18-19 year olds who aren't in college.
2019-02-21 6:38 am
No, because the crime rates on campuses are lower than the general population.
2019-02-21 6:29 am
They are perhaps more likely (compared to working at MacDonald's) to experience stress and emotional trauma over exams and school work.

But no more risk for physical trauma.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 22:30:16
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