Need help with a math equation?

2019-02-20 2:06 pm
The equation is 7-3(4^2+10).
I keep getting -78, what am I doing wrong? Heres my rough work below
= 7-3(16+10)
= 7-3(26)
= 7-78
= -78

回答 (6)

2019-02-20 2:10 pm
The mistake I see in simplifying your *expression* is what you did in the last step.
7 - 78
= -71 (not -78)
2019-02-20 10:37 pm
7 - 78 = -71.

That's the only thing that is wrong.
2019-02-20 10:19 pm
7 - 3(4^2 + 10) is not an equation
7 - 3(4^2 + 10)
= 7 - 3(16 + 10)
= 7 - 3(26)
= 7 - 78
= -71 (not -78)
2019-02-20 8:13 pm
First thing to note is that this is not an equation.
It is an expression.
7 - 3 (26) = 7 - 78 = - 71
2019-02-20 6:27 pm
It is not an equation but if you mean: 7 -3(4^2 +10) then it works out as -71
2019-02-20 2:39 pm

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