Have you heard about the kefir and cambucha plants and what do you think it? Is it very good to take? Good probiotic?

2019-02-18 6:38 pm

回答 (6)

2019-02-23 3:44 am
Some kombucha can be a little high in alcohol content if you’re sensitive to alcohol. There are different types of kiefer, like water kiefer and milk kiefer. You can actually make your own key for. Coconut water Kiefer is supposed to be a good one. You can buy kiefer grains and make your own. You can make other types of fermented foods and beverages as well. Like beet kvass. I made that a few times.
2019-02-19 2:49 am
Kefir and kombucha are not plants. Kefir is fermented milk and kombucha is fermented tea. Both are great probiotics.
2019-02-18 8:50 pm
plain unsweetened kefir is best , we need lots more nutrition than we normally get
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2019-02-18 6:53 pm
I think if antibiotics cause problems as bladder infections and constipation, kefir helps and other for a boost every now and again.
2019-02-18 6:47 pm
its really good if you like your bum exploding poo everywhere
2019-02-18 6:43 pm
Kefir hell no. Kombucha yes!!

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