我公司老闆有兩間公司A及B 都在相同地址登記了A公司及B公司 他以A公司名義租了這地方, 但B公司需要租約去申請某些牌照 但A及B公司之間沒有任何租約, 因為都是老闆自己的 現在應該怎麼寫一封信去證明?

2019-02-18 3:29 pm

回答 (2)

2019-02-18 6:55 pm
No letter is required.

Instead, your boss should provide documentation showing that Company A and B are controlled by your boss. As soon as you are able to show that, the documentation requirement should be satisfied.

In the alternative, your boss can ask the landlord to "transfer" the lease from Company A to B.
2019-02-18 4:04 pm

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