Is it true that they plan to shutdown google drive at some point this year or in the future?

2019-02-17 12:56 pm
So a few weeks ago like a lot of google users I got a message saying they were shutting down google plus. Along with it google drive might be shutdown. I'd like to know if this true or a false alarm. If it's true though I'd like to know what free alternatives for my files I could use. Any free suggestions?

回答 (3)

2019-02-17 4:01 pm
No, it is not true. What Google is shutting down is Google + (plus).
NOT Drive.
Google + is like facebook and not used much and that is why it is shutting down.
2019-02-17 2:41 pm
Google+ and Google Drive are two unrelated products (other than that they're from Google). Google+'s closure will not affect Google Drive.
2019-02-17 2:13 pm
No plans to close Google Drive have been announced, though that doesn't mean Google might not close it at some point in the future. MediaFire and offer a decent amount of space for free (up to 50 GB).

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:32:44
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