if my phone loses signal it wont reconnect to internet even if i have signal?

2019-02-17 7:39 am
carrier problem or phone problem? how do i fix this?

回答 (6)

2019-02-19 7:57 am
It is the phone. Your carrier would never have anything to do with a loss of internet connectivity. If this is an issue for you, then it is time to get a new phone.
2019-02-21 10:41 am
Can you provide more details? If you are trying to use your phone in an area with poor coverage, it is possible to get a weak signal that just doesn't have the power to connect to data or make a call even though your phone shows signal. There is no standard for signals on a phone (in other words, the "bars" on one phone don't mean the same on another phone and really have very little meaning at all other than you should be able to make a call and use the phone if you have a "bar")

Your phone could also be going into roaming mode if you can't get signal from your carrier. your phone may be set to not data roam (check settings) which may be a could thing if your carrier charges for roaming or sometimes your plan simply does not allow roaming.
2019-02-17 12:35 pm
Dont know what phone you have but could try resetting the apn on phone and see if helps. Also could try resetting the network settings depending on phone you have
2019-02-17 12:52 pm
Get another phone it has serious problems
2019-02-17 8:35 am
it nnight be a phone problenn, you nnight need a new phone
2019-02-17 7:41 am
your cell phone uses ordinary radio frequencies to contact the cell towers, so must be the phone ................................

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 19:26:05
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