回答 (2)
If you ,Esther, wants to write a high score compo, you should (TW recited style) bring one catagory of Eng/Chi translated articles in exam-hall to help you increase your vocab and sentence-structures at proficiency,rating level to help you for a high grade.
(1)The student recited to the Examiner a long and tedious writing of the subject.-----tedious means adj. tiresome; wearying; uninteresting; a tedious Eng. lesson before exam.; tedious work.
tediously; adverb----Her tediously lasting or taking too long on the uninteresting compo. became a tediously failure for Esther.----We had to listen to the tedious details of exam rules before the Eng. exam.------The writing soon became tedious if overtime !!!---If you are tediously boring on an uninteresting subject, then Esther failed her compo.
---tediousness noun.=monotony and boredom.
(2)She gives a list of TW famous scholars ,one by one, names of their poor daily lives.
(3)Recite her grievance on her failure in Eng.compo!!!
(4)Try write her compo fluently from hardworking TW styled memory method.
(5) Since all grammar errors are seen, yet her ideas/skills got a high grading.
(6)The number of words ,which with rules for combining my compo,, make up a passing compo for me.
(7)The list of words used in my two articles,etc, with definitions/translation, make up my passing compo.luckily !!!
(8)My active vocabulary that I use made me passed the exam. !!!The words that TW people use when talking about an Eng.subject and has become advertising vocabulary are "English Choi" ! "English Tsai" !
(1)Esther gives a private delivery of passage of prose/compo. learnt by heart in the public exam-hall.
(2)Her dramatic extract from the novel/story from an American Book gained her a high grading.
(3)The act of reciting on her grievances gained her somewhat a higher marks.
(4)The piece of prose and translation from C/E ,learnt and recited by TW style, earned her a pass marking; luckily.
(5)The repetition of a prepared compo by Esther onto the exam.paper has an instance of 50/50 chance of passing of her paper !!!
(6) If your sentence-structure are consisting of phrases and clauses used to express a statement, then you,Esther, are commanding a high grade.
如何可以背誦英文文章,作為改進自己思考和寫作的能力呢? 其實辦法祇有將整編文章的內容和強記其大概的意思便是. Yip
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