Does my crush like me?

2019-02-12 10:56 am
For a while I’ve felt my crush has liked me. However I am TERRIFIED to make the first move. So I tried to basically trick them into admitting how they felt and they admitted they weren’t interested in any one. HOWEVER, I catch them staring at me all the time with this weird look on their face. We text a lot and they always tell me how much they like our conversations. I remember this one time, they were talking to this other person who dragged them away to the other side of the room. I hadn’t even been talking to them (though I was standing near them) but as they left they looked back at me with this almost longing sort of look (it was very dramatic) and I also caught them staring at me from the other side of the room once they were over there. So upon hearing this new information, I’ve tried to imagine all the “hints” I’ve been getting in a new light and I find it really hard to see that moment in particular in a new light. I just feel like such an idiot for misinterpreting everything. But I wonder if maybe they just didn’t want to admit their feelings for me?

回答 (3)

2019-02-12 11:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
What I think would be a good strategy would be to reciprocate the hints that you have been getting from this guy and do things that would encourage him to approach you. For example, doing things like smiling and waving at him are great ways of letting this guy know that you would like it if he came up and talked to you. Now remember, not every guy is super confident when it comes to talking. The secret to talking and connecting with guys is to be relaxed and confident. I completely get that you are shy and get nervous when it comes to talking to guys, but believe me you can literally talk about anything with anyone so long as you are confident and relaxed. The reason for this is that if you can do those two things then you will make people around you feel relaxed as well as opposed to the awkward feeling that they may get if you are all up tight and nervous. In saying that, if you are worried about not having anything to talk about then try asking people questions that will get them reveal their personality. That approach is really attractive as it shows that you are interested in listening to what they have to say and learning about them - a very admirable quality. I really hope this helps :)
參考: Where does your shyness come from? Are you scared of being judged? Does this guy seem shy as well?
2019-02-12 11:07 am
They could've done it to feel like they don't have to worry about you suspecting them of liking you, that's always possible. All the signs make it seem like they do like you to be honest.
2019-02-12 10:59 am
He will

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