How would you handle lazy family members?

2019-02-11 12:40 am
I' m at my wits end. My little sister and dad can be so lazy. My dad works hard long hours. When hes home he is either busy or lounges around. I cant tell you how many times hes left dishes right above the dish washer or next to the sink over night. I dont mind doing the dishes but I do feel like I'm being taken advantage of. My 16 year old sister is just as bad. She expects I'm gonna pick up after her if my mom is at work. She procrastinates like no one ive ever seen. Shes also moody and flat out disrespectful. I would leave his dishes out but then he talks down at me for trying to show Im not their maid. I cant tell you how many times theyve both brought dishes to the sink left them there expecting me to do it. I'm fed up with it so is my mom and my sister. Unfortunately my mom did create this mess by doing everything because she likes things done in a certain way. She has admitted this and feels bad. How can we get my dad and sister to stop being so lazy?

回答 (5)

2019-02-11 7:04 am
Your dad works so it makes sense

Your sister needs a slap

I understand how you feel though

My family are the same way, my dad and sisters.
2019-02-11 12:59 am
Your father is not lazy. When he gets home he has ALREADY made HIS contribution to the well-being of the family unit.
Now is his destress time. If he doesn’t get it and the stress wrecks his health, who ELSE is going to go to work to support the family?

As for your little sister, she IS lazy.
But you are helpless here. It is not your place to raise your sister nor to correct her.
It is up to your parents.

YOUR role is to learn to work with YOUR emotions so that you don’t let this situation drive you crazy. AND/OR to pitch in and do more than your share of the work because you love your family and want to see the house function well.

It is up to your mother to try to change how the household functions, and if she doesn’t do that then you cannot since you don’t have the power.

If you decide to stop doing dishes and others complain, tell them to talk to your mother about it.
2019-02-11 12:48 am
Your father deserves to be taken care of at home. He keeps you fed, clothed and in a home. Your sister should be spoken to by your mother and asked to help. If the worst they all do is leave dishes out, you should be very happy. Thats such a nothing thing to do it should just be done and not complained about.
Does your sister do anything? Maybe your mother could give her some other chore as dishes aren't her thing and then you do the dishes (in the don't even have to really wash them).
Too much complaining for such a small issue.
2019-02-11 12:42 am
Your dad is the putting a roof over your head and food on the table. You literally just said he works long hard hours. The least YOU can do is do dishes. Stop being a brat and do chores or move out
2019-02-11 12:41 am
You just said that your dad works long hours.

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