Need Ur Help Christians when transforming How can I "learn" 2 Trust God? & Does God know u enough that u would like His Plan/Will He set 4 u?

2019-02-06 4:27 am
Hi! I'm trying 2 learn more about Christianity & would like 2 know
How I can Trust God?
Problem is I have Trust issues b/c up my upbringing. I have a (Very) Hard time trusting others. 1st r mothers. I've had Bad Luck w/ mothers. I'm adopted & my bio mother was Delusional & my grandmother (Her mother) had 2 give me up b/c grandma was too old. My Adoptive mother has Schizo & Borderline Personality. Growing up I was Physically, Mentally, & Emotionally abused by her b/c of illness. & Lastly, my step brother (her son) Molested me. I feel they robbed me of putting my trust n them. I did go to Catholic Grammar & H.S. so I grew up leaning about God & Jesus.
Now I've been thinking of Transforming my life to becoming a Christian. Currently, I'm trying 2 read the O.T. begin 2 end getting 2 know more about God. But, I know in order 2 transform ur life u have 2
Learn 2 Trust God & I don't know if I could do that.
Plus, w/ my mother has been VERY Controlling of what I should b doing (n what She wants), etc. that's where I ques.

What if I don't like God's Plan (4 me)?

I'm a musician who likes Hard Rock (secular). I'm trying 2 listen (like) Christian music, but the music itself bothers me. My fav. band (secular) is Queensryche like their power chords, vocals, rhythms, etc., but some Christian bands/artists I've listened 2 either sounds like "Linkin' Park" which I'm Not n2 or SOFT Rock. I can't find any Christian bands that sound like "Queensryche".

回答 (13)

2019-02-06 4:42 am
You're making it too complicated. It is easy :) Jesus loves you. Start reading in the Book of John, use the King James Bible. The Lord's plan for you is for you to believe in Jesus.
Jesus loves you and wants to bless your life freely :) Most of all, Jesus wants you with Him forever, and not in hell. The truth is that every belief except one will lead to eternal torment in the lake of fire for every person. Because nothing pays for our sins except the death and blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of Jesus that is already accomplished by Him . Jesus loves you! The truth is that Jesus is God, and Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins in full, and then Jesus resurrected from the dead. Nothing else pays for our sins, not works, not deeds, not religions. So the only way to heaven and to avoid hell, is by believing in Jesus for eternal life (John 6:47), without adding any of your own works (Romans 4:5). Believe in Jesus to take you to heaven, and you will be in heaven, no matter what, guaranteed. That easy, thanks to Jesus! Tell Jesus that you thank Him that you will be with Him in heaven when you die, because you believe in Jesus! It is too late to be saved, after death.
2019-02-06 4:36 am
You trust GOD by following HIS laws, statutes and commandment. Repent of any known sins, these being the things you know are against GOD. Read the bible to get more understanding of his laws. Trust in the sacrifice of his son. Forgive those who have wronged you, not for them but for you. Pray and ask GOD to help you with these things
2019-02-06 4:31 am
when you are ready to sincerely pray.. he will answer you.
2019-02-06 9:32 am
The way you learn to trust God it's start with the very simple beginning first you ask God for the forgiveness of your wrongs and then you begin to do the right thing if you don't know how to do the right thing find yourself a Christian regeneration program and let them train you to do the right thing within about two years of letting those people do your thinking for you you will understand that it's working when you have a job the law isn't bothering you your health is wonderful and you're happy what more is there to life?
2019-02-06 8:10 am
Just remember, Dude, almost all of your bad experiences (or ALL OF THEM), have been with humans, NOT WITH GOD. So start going to First Baptist Church (it teaches the Bible), and find Jesus. He and the Heavenly Father are trustworthy, even if they seem not to be, it is because you don't know what they are up to,, which is....FOR YOUR OWN BEST INTERESTS, WHETHER YOU RALIZE IT, OR NOT. The rest will eventually fall into place for you, I'll bet!!
2019-02-06 5:16 am
God expects man to do the work, not only to find the truth, but to spread it, and make the world a better place. Even though the demons of satan rule earth, those in the Christ must stand against them, often at their own peril.
2019-02-06 4:40 am
People will disappoint you but God is perfect and will never let you down.
Hebrews 13:5 states "for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
You can trust God.
2019-02-06 4:31 am
I need your help Christians. While transforming, how can I "learn" to trust God? Does God know you well enough so that you would like his plan/will that he has set? ( I am going to gently push you to do better with spelling and formulation of sentence structure).

Symphonic metal especially from other countries apart from the United States is quite good.

I am 58 years old and am a classically trained violinist. I LOVE Queensryche, Muse, Roger Waters etc. What part in your life does this type of metal play? Would it come before God/worship? Would it become your idol or muse above him.

I find Christian bands and christian music to be quite pedestrian and woefully bad, at least most of it. I never listen to it, and I am going to go as far as to say in the Church, I am not into any type of protestant music. It does not belong in the liturgy.

Rock on with balance.

Find an Apostolic church and go through catechesis. God does not align himself with our likes or dislikes. God makes a way for us to become better and rise up to his standards, even though we often fail.

It is not up to God to form a plan that you like. It is up to you to raise your standards, submit to his plan and he will bless you for doing so.
2019-02-06 4:30 am
Nobody cares
2019-02-06 4:30 am
Well, your spelling and grammar are crappy enough that I might be persuaded to believe you're a Christian. Try Demon Hunter.
參考: Yeah, even when I was a Christian, I had the same problem with most Christian music.

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