Why do people say that it is bad to test someone’s loyalty?

2019-02-04 7:09 am
Testing your partners loyaty is a way to speed things up to know if someone would be dishonest and isn’t loyal. Where as if you should trust them and they ended up lying or cheating it says you time so why is it so bad to do

回答 (2)

2019-02-04 7:24 am
Because it shows that you don't trust them and pushes them into betraying you - whether they were going to or not. How would you feel if your partner tested your loyalty just to make them more comfortable (without any thought for your feelings)? Would you respect and like them quite so much afterwards....?
2019-02-04 7:12 am
It seems to be rather disrespectful; best not to get involved with someone until you can trust them!

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