How can people feel disdain for their president when he has kept the promises for which he was elected?

2019-02-04 6:02 am
Do you believe they are more concerned about identity politics?


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回答 (7)

2019-02-04 6:07 am
Which promises were those? The wall is not built and Mexico is not paying for it. Manufacturing jobs are not coming back, and we do not have health care better than Obamacare. Hillary has not been jailed, or even indicted. Tell me just what Presidernt Angry Grandpa has done besides attack the free press and encourage his more extreme followers to excess?
2019-02-04 6:07 am
Who wants a job when they just spent eight years figuring out how to live on Welfare? All that time spent applying for Benefits up in smoke@
2019-02-04 6:06 am
my heart goes out to the baron child.
2019-02-04 6:07 am
FACTS --- INDICTED - Roger Stone CONVICTED - Paul Manafort, PLEADED GUILTY - Michael Flynn, Michael Cohen, Rick Gates, Alex Van der Zwaan, George Papdopoulos, CHARGED - 13 Russian nationals and 12 Military Officers.
2019-02-04 9:17 am
First, Trump is NOT OUR PRESIDENT. The American People overwhelmingly chose Hillary Clinton in the popular vote. And so, The American People DO NOT support Trump. And they don't have to.

Secondly, his "promises" are threats and bad ideas and so no one wants them.

Lastly, Mr. Trump is unfit for office and is a disgrace as a human being.
2019-02-04 6:12 am
Because for them style and change is the most important things. Style they approve of and little to no change in them having power.
2019-02-04 6:04 am
Those who can not think independently are no obliged to give you a response.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 07:30:35
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