
2019-02-03 3:10 am

回答 (7)

2019-02-03 6:31 am
Please think thoroughly before answering me again.
2019-02-03 2:26 pm
Please think over before answering me.
2019-02-03 7:22 am
Please think complete (adj) over for yourself before answering me again.
2019-02-23 1:46 pm
Please think carefully before you answer my question.
2019-02-11 10:56 am
Please think it/this through/over before answering me.
Please think it through before answering me.
Please think it over before answering me.
Please think this through before answering me.
Please think this over before answering me.
*"...answering me"也可以用"...responding to me"或"giving me a/your response"代替
如果要給對方時間考慮一個需要做決定的事,隔天再給回覆,還可以說 Please sleep on it before giving me your response.
2019-02-03 12:37 pm
As to my question,will you carefully think of prior to answer me. Yip
2019-02-07 12:19 pm
其他的人翻的都非常不自然,甚至有錯。直接說 think before answering me. 即可。

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