[Chinese > English] Can Someone Translate This For Me? Thank You.?

2019-02-02 1:15 am

回答 (2)

2019-02-03 12:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
The “祿” in the mascot you show, it means fortune.
But “祿” can be combined with many other words to form many different
meanings. Just list some of them.
Ex, 回祿 which means inferno.
無功不受祿:Here 祿 means officers’s bonus or salaries.
福祿壽喜is often used to congradulate someone, who are fortune(福 --normally for old people) , well-paid(祿), long-living(壽) and happiness(喜).
2019-02-02 8:54 pm

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