a safe way to wax / compound a 1979 auto that finish is oxidized any tips appreciated?

2019-02-01 11:28 pm

回答 (80)

2019-02-01 11:48 pm
Only if you know how to use a buffing machine so you don't burn through the paint.
2019-02-02 2:40 am
Try to rub out the oxidation with rubbing compound, clean, then wax- no promise the oxidation doesn't all rub off.
2019-02-02 2:11 am
Turtle Wax and lot of hand polishing. Carnuba Wax Kit has very fine pumice can to be used first to get of oxides, minor paint blemishes, is water soluble, washable.
2019-04-08 4:15 am
Stand while styling your hair and putting on makeup.
2019-04-08 4:07 am
Choose menu items which are grilled, roasted, baked, sautéed, or steamed.
2019-04-08 4:04 am
Prepare your lunch people who prepare lunch and eat will lose weight.
2019-04-08 3:32 am
Go open faced to cut calories and carbs.
2019-04-08 3:28 am
Ditch the mayo cheese and top bun if you want to scrape off 250 calories from a restaurant sandwich.
2019-04-08 3:22 am
Don't pile food on your plate, otherwise you'll have a tendency to eat it. The exception is if it's vegetables, in which case go mad (but not with potatoes).
2019-04-08 3:02 am
Eat with your hands. It requires more time thus satisfying you.
2019-04-08 2:16 am
Like the saying goes. You didn't put it on in a day; do not expect to get it off in a day. Studies have repeatedly shown that the approach to shed weight and keep it off is slow and steady; aiming to lose about 1-2 pounds per week means that the weight loss will mostly be fat compared to muscle.
2019-04-08 2:04 am
Exercises like leaping and crunches while at rest are a good means of weight loss especially in the event that you become accustomed to performing them.
2019-04-08 1:52 am
Dump the junk food if you would like to prevent temptation be sure you clean out the fridge and the pantry.
2019-04-08 1:14 am
Cease using thermostat or turn it to chilly. Cold air is associated with increase in metabolism as your body burns fats to heat it.
2019-04-08 12:42 am
Get monthly exercise calender.
2019-04-08 12:39 am
Your plates and your table cloth should be uniform in color. This gives the eye the illusion that it's one big plate thus you serve less food.
2019-04-08 12:31 am
Watch your drink. If you cannot avoid to drink soda, replace it with diet drinks. Diet beverages will save you calories, compared with sugary beverages.
2019-04-08 12:30 am
Do not just sit there throughout commercials.move! Crank out a pair of push ups, sit ups, or squats.
2019-04-08 12:24 am
Fill out 86 luggage tags.
2019-04-07 11:57 pm
Brush your teeth after every meal. The mint flavor cues the brain that meal time is over. Bonus. Better dental check ups!
2019-04-07 11:51 pm
Eat a grapefruit rather than drinking juice; the fiber can allow you to feel full longer, and grapefruit is demonstrated to help with weight loss.
2019-04-07 11:42 pm
Schedule a workout session and stick withit. Diet and exercise comes hand in hand.
2019-04-07 10:55 pm
Use salad size plates instead of dinner size ones.
2019-04-07 10:53 pm
Always perform cardio after lifting, rather than before. Maintaining muscle mass should always be a priority, not just for appearance but also for metabolism. When you are at energy levels, always lift weights.
2019-04-07 10:41 pm
Don't eat food directly from the bag. Ration it out, put it on a plate or in a bowl and then pack the container away before you eat. This way you'll be much less inclined to return for another handful (especially if you make it really difficult to accomplish the container ).
2019-04-07 10:27 pm
When baking or cooking ditch the hand mixer and use a wooden spoon instead.
2019-04-07 10:21 pm
Find the ideal diet for your individual body because there are many ways are there to eliminate weight just find what works for you.
2019-04-07 10:19 pm
Add an additional five minutes to your cardio routine.
2019-04-04 3:12 am
Going low carb is proven to encourage weight loss. Limit the carbohydrates (especially refined carbohydrates like muffins and bagels) and include a little fat.
2019-04-04 3:07 am
Diet pills don't change eating habits. You MUST commit to a new eating lifestyle; preferably one which is centered around your eating habits.
2019-04-03 10:46 pm
Eat fatty fish weekly. They're full of quality protein and omega 3.
2019-04-03 10:07 pm
Stand up every time you talk on the telephone.
2019-04-03 10:06 pm
Eat healthy fats.
2019-04-03 5:19 am
Have enough sleep time. You should sleep on your time and allow your body to rest for at least 8 hours and thus stay fresh the next day and in full charge of your activities.
2019-04-03 5:05 am
Drink Plenty of water.
2019-04-03 4:15 am
Nuts are jam-packed with healthy compounds, from healthy fats and antioxidants into essential vitamins and minerals. Research is showing that for fat loss, eating bigger portions of healthy foods is actually more important than dieting because, to put it simply, you'll have less room and less inclination to eat junk food when you have already got a stomach full of the healthy things. Nuts are a great for this, since they're high in fiber and slow to digest, in addition to the healthy make you feel complete. Bear in mind, we are not talking about the type -- keep your nuts grab a few to snack.
2019-04-03 3:37 am
Make certain that you get at least seven hours of sleep every night. Being tired makes for workouts and additional snacking.
2019-04-03 3:30 am
Net-carb food products are not that safe. It is just a means of toying with your mind since they are made of carbohydrates.
2019-04-03 3:02 am
Establish Realistic Goals. You need to understand that you can't lose 40 kilos in just two weeks! And, crash diet is not a healthy way to meet your targets. Not fulfilling targets may depress you and direct you.
2019-04-03 2:50 am
Sometimes it is easier to motivate yourself if you have someone else kicking your ***. Not only that, but you will also learn the proper form for your exercises, the way to warm up and cool down and thus make getting injured much less probable. Trainers can be expensive so the best choice is to get hold of one of the exercise programs on the market.
2019-04-03 1:49 am
Manage salt intake. Sodium which you obtain daily from salt, is one of the most common electrolytes in the human body.
2019-04-03 1:45 am
Eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.
2019-04-03 1:32 am
Should you be meeting a client for drinks suggest standing in the bar rather than sitting at a table.
2019-04-03 1:18 am
Stash snacks everywhere. Protein bars on your purse or car can help to fend off hunger and avoid over eating later on.
2019-04-03 1:13 am
Asking yourself the core question. When you're impulsively hungry just ask yourself the following,"Am I hungry?
2019-04-03 1:02 am
Don't eat food straight from the bag. Ration it out, place it on a plate or in a bowl and package the container away before you consume. This way you will be much less likely to go back for another handful (especially if you make it really tricky to accomplish the container again).
2019-04-03 12:52 am
Eat more veggies.
2019-04-03 12:51 am
Entire your eating three hours before your bedtime.
2019-04-03 12:45 am
Figure out just what and how much you are eating. What you eat is important. Pretty much everyone knows this.
2019-04-02 11:59 pm
Skipping meals will make you more hungry so avoid skip meals.
2019-04-02 11:59 pm
Don t sit or sleep immediately after your dinner.
2019-04-02 11:41 pm
Go to bed early. Get a bit more sleep to prevent fatigue that may lead you to eat snacks or crave something. Cravings normally contributes to weight reduction.
2019-04-02 11:04 pm
Try green tea. Green tea is another great option. It contains caffeine and is full of antioxidants, each of which can help increase fat burning and improve metabolism.
2019-04-02 10:45 pm
When eating out ask your waiter to point out the safest choices on the menu.
2019-04-02 10:32 pm
50 minutes of hula hooping.
2019-04-02 10:02 pm
Instead of cream cheese or butter on bread or bagels, spread peanut or almond butter. The fats satiate hunger and may decrease belly fat.
2019-04-02 10:00 pm
Park at the far end of the parking lot.
2019-04-02 11:01 am
Download a Fantastic app. Add a fast-food calorie counter or a digital exercise log on your smartphone.
2019-04-02 3:50 am
Drink your coffee black no sugar.
2019-04-02 3:25 am
Strength training. Working out at the gym to build more muscles that burn more calories even when you're training.
2019-04-02 3:23 am
You don't have to skip dessert. Order one and split it.
2019-04-02 3:03 am
Avoid carbonated beverages. These sweetened beverages contain large amounts of sugars which may add to obesity. They include sodas sweetened tea and coffee.
2019-04-02 2:52 am
Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. This is to avoid boredom.
2019-04-02 2:41 am
Walk around your home yard or neighborhood while on the phone.
2019-04-02 2:30 am
Stop counting you re not going to be lose weight overnight just concentrate on diet and exercise.
2019-04-02 1:34 am
Walking short distances for people who are beginning their exercise, this makes it possible to build your endurance.
2019-04-02 1:30 am
Carry Your Own Lunch. Carry your lunch, and do not rely on the greasy and fattening food, which is offered in the food carts near your place. Fill your tiffin with healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
2019-04-02 1:28 am
Go for kettlebell workouts to burn more calories in less time.
2019-04-02 1:20 am
Having less than 1 200 calories a day can slow down your metabolism.
2019-04-01 11:37 pm
Chew on sugar-free mint gum after a meal. Mint flavors send signals to your brain that it's time to stop eating.
2019-04-01 10:47 pm
Do pushups daily. It'll jump-start your day, and it gets in some additional upper-body training.
2019-04-01 10:27 pm
Size up your proteins. A 3- to 5-ounce serving should be about as large as a smartphone.
2019-04-01 10:17 pm
Be sure you have a well rounded exercise program that includes both aerobic and weight training.
2019-04-01 9:55 pm
Avoid eating you re stressed or bored.
2019-04-01 8:51 pm
Don't overdo diet food. Simply as it's low fat, does not mean that you overdo it. They have their share of calories too.
2019-04-01 8:44 pm
Keep Sipping Into Healthy Beverages. Every morning fill your water bottles with healthy and fat-burning ajwain water, zeera water or cinnamon water. Keep sipping into it. Each morning fill your water bottles with beverages.
2019-04-01 8:36 pm
Dont eat with a large group.
2019-04-01 8:34 pm
Skipping meals will make you hungry so avoid skip meals.
2019-04-01 8:33 pm
Eate more protein in the daytime.
2019-02-19 3:34 pm
your car needs a cut and polish

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