How does it not embarrass Democrats to know that their party started the KKK?

2019-01-31 10:32 am

回答 (10)

2019-01-31 10:38 am
I’m sure it does... I feel like you don’t have all the facts. Also, democrats and republicans switched party values a while ago, so it’s the republicans who would have been responsible. Democrat is only a name. At least google **** before you spout random ****.
2019-01-31 6:37 pm
Because Southern Democrats were and are DINOs. Many if them are still fighting the cultural Civil War/War Between the States. The only thing that kicked them into the second half of the 20th century was Katrina. Family traditions and memories are long in the Deep South. Some families are still angry at the Corpse of Army Engineers for dynamiting the levee in 1927 so New Orleans would not flood. Of course parts of New Orleans DID flood.
2019-01-31 1:33 pm
The same way it doesn't embarrass conservatives to know that the Democrats that started the KKK were conservatives.
2019-01-31 10:48 am
Because most of us became Democrats well after they threw the racist trash over to the Republican Party.
2019-01-31 10:33 am
I sit on the toilet for weeks crying
2019-01-31 10:35 am
They do not care, now demos are going to kill full term babies.
2019-02-14 3:16 am
My god I am so tired of this question,
You're a typical con who's naive about American History.
Conservatives used to be the democrats. That's not opinion. It is a fact.
They started the Civil War, the KKK and were against women and blacks having the right to vote.

I don't know why that's so hard to understand. And, just because your tribe were the racists doesn't mean you are.
How is it you don't know this???
2019-01-31 12:10 pm
It does, but we take pride that the KKK now prefers Republicans like othe racists.
2019-01-31 10:37 am
Yet Trump is the only president* to Embrace of the KKK and watch Birth of a Nation in the Whitehouse since Woodrow Wilson.
2019-01-31 8:02 pm
Because they deny that part of their history.

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