Obviously. That's what the slavery of taxation, regulation and laws are all about. To some degree, we are all slaves of the State. It's not an awful thing, but, the State can be very abusive.
YEAH if you want to deny yourself free will!
Yes. There are limits, but yes. Obama cut that deal with his dungeon master.
This is the political section kid.
Free will does not even make sense as a concept, let alone exist.
I suppose that you could always have a lobotomy. But, other than that, if you are driving a car, you can't just decide not to be responsible for what happens.
we only have limited ability.
(We are not omnipotent.)
You have the free will to choose to flap your arms and fly to the Moon.
(Little kids choose to do things like this all the time.)
You do NOT possess the physical ability to accomplish that free willed choice
but you certainly do possess the free will necessary to choose that.
No, we have free will and we're stuck with it.
That's because "will" has to do with what we WANT, not with the results we get. We don't have the freedom to obtain our chosen results. I can't flap my arms and fly to the moon, and wanting to won't change that.
I could try, though. I might end up in a mental hospital that way. Or the morgue, if I imagine jumping off a cliff will help.) Those wouldn't be what I freely willed, but they would be direct consequences of my exercise of free will, even so.
No except for compatibilism which is imho just semantics and not free will
This is bad semantics. You use "free Will" and "choose" as if they are different things. they are not.
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice".
We The point is that you can do or not do something and you are free to override the TRUTH of what you have to do. do but you misinterpret that insight.
Free will does not work that way
Yes, do something to be put in jail.
There only seems to be 'free will.' In the end we will all return to God, in our mind, for a very simple reason. God being all powerful, will not let anything happen that he does not want to happen. We can dream of 'free will' all we want but we can't make it a reality.
leftists do it all the time. They get more jazzed when they take from others.