Landlord acted sure I would be approved for apartment on Sat and told me she would call today. But she hasn't. Do you think i was rejected?

2019-01-29 6:34 am
Would tomorrow be to early to call?

回答 (7)

2019-01-29 6:42 am
She probably forgot. Of course it would not be too early. I think if you do nothing you could get passed over. You are afraid you will look pushy, but you it is only businessilike to enquire.
2019-01-29 9:56 am
Maybe, maybe not. I don't put much stock in them not calling you, people get busy. However, I also don't put much stock in them acting sure you'd get the place, if they got a better applicant or just rethought your application or found something in your references or credit; then you could be out.
2019-01-29 8:33 am
She has other things to do, she called in sick, her husband was thrown in jail, her kid was kicked out of school.

Believe it or not, you are not priority one.
2019-01-29 7:31 am
No way to tell. call tomorrow
2019-01-29 7:09 am
She might be busy or waiting on results of whatever background checks they do. There's no harm calling tomorrow if she hasn't called when she said she would.
2019-01-30 3:29 am
They always act that way.. yes call tomorrow.
2019-01-29 8:41 am
No them not calling does not mean you were rejected. It means they have been to busy to call you. Mondays tend to be very busy and office staff does not always get everything they need to do done. You are not approved or denied until they complete your background check. It does not hurt to call & check in just do not be a pest about it.
2019-01-29 7:09 am
No.. You always ask when you can expect to hear from someone, and when they fail they are giving you the reason for calling the following day. Just remind them what they told you when you do. And if they still don't have an answer, ask again when you can expect them to have one. Tenacity is a virtue.

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