Will Nasty Nancy Pelosi ever be President?

2019-01-29 12:01 am

回答 (12)

2019-01-29 12:16 am
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Too old.
2019-01-29 12:07 am
When Trump and Pence are both indicted, arrested, and impeached then YES, Speaker Pelosi is next in line to be POTUS
2019-01-29 12:06 am
Too obstructionist and MUCH TOO OLD. (Also, she already shows signs of dementia)
2019-01-29 12:07 am
pence is as dirty as trump and will be booted too , that means the speaker of the house moves up to POTUS
2019-01-29 12:03 am
Could be very soon, when she takes down Chump and Pence, she is next in line.
2019-01-29 12:03 am
Hopefully she goes on to be the president of the tenant's association of whatever aged facility she ends up in.
2019-01-29 12:23 am
Doubtful. Presidents have to be responsible and accountable, two things that the Speaker position doesn't require of her.

As Speaker, she can wield power without a shred of responsibility or accountability, and boy, does she ever.
2019-01-29 12:13 am
2019-01-29 12:04 am
If we can get Trump and Pence out of Washington she will be.
2019-01-29 12:03 am
NO she is retiring at the end of her term and will not be running again
2019-01-29 12:02 am
President of What?
2019-01-29 12:05 am
I would think not, but since we elected Dumb Donnie it is obvious that any moron can win.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:15:20
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