Is it ok to eat brown spotted bananas?

2019-01-26 9:54 pm
I never heard of anyone getting sick from partially rotten bananas. But just wanted to make sure

回答 (24)

2019-01-29 9:44 am
Absolutely, then are sweet and ripe one the peel gets brown spots.
2019-01-27 12:44 pm
Bananas with brown spots on them are just very ripe. I like them that way, in fact I won't buy them unless they have started to get some brown speckles on them.
2019-01-26 10:00 pm
those aren't rotted, they are over ripe.
Rot doesn't taste very sweet and incredibly good. Rot also generally isn't used to make the best banana bread ever.
If you are talking about the skins being spotted, that is the sign of a perfect banana.
AND if the banana was exposed to the cold the skin can turn black on a green banana.
I bought some once from a new grocery store that put their produce department banana display right by the front door: In Minnesota in the dead of winter during a 25 below zero cold snap. They then sold the bananas cut rate and I bought them to make banana bread. Under that black skin, EVERY one of them was far too green to make decent banana bread..
2019-01-26 9:56 pm
The brown spotting on a banana's peel indicates maximum ripeness, not rot. They're perfectly safe to eat when spotted.
2019-01-28 2:42 am
They arent rotten, just overly ripe and to answer your question yes it's okay to eat them. Theres a chemical in bananas that tells them to keep going even after they're perfectly ripe so thats why they get brown like that.
2019-01-27 1:55 am
I don't think anyone's ever eaten "partially rotton bananas"!

A banana isn't ripe unless the skin has brown patches on it. If you mean brown patches on the actual banana then it's not rotton. At worst it might be described as over-ripe.
2019-01-26 10:38 pm
That banana is ready for banana bread, its the perfect ripe. ok just more mushy, but nice and sweet.The more brown spots the banana has, the more sugar the banana contains, and the sweeter it becomes. Brown spots on a banana generally do not indicate disease. Bananas with spots should be safe to eat.
Fresh bananas with brown patches on the skin are ripe enough to eat immediately. Make sure to avoid over-ripe bananas whose skin has turned completely brown or split open.
2019-01-31 9:45 pm
Yes, it is okay
2019-01-31 2:45 am
yes, they are actually good for you
2019-01-28 5:37 pm
2019-01-28 9:38 am
Yes, its ok they are just more ripe, they are better for baking and smoothies.
2019-01-28 9:14 am
It suggests they're on their way out but they're not unsafe to eat, probably just a bit mushy/sweet.
2019-01-28 5:12 am
If you ever find a banana with literally no brown spots let me know.
Brown spots don't equal rotten.
2019-01-28 2:34 am
The more brown spots the banana has, the more sugar the banana contains, and the sweeter it becomes. Brown spots on a banana generally do not indicate disease. Bananas with spots should be safe to eat.
2019-01-28 2:30 am
2019-01-28 1:12 am
Brown spots on bananas does not signify rotting, it shows the degree of ripeness
2019-01-27 6:08 pm
They're on the verge of getting overripe
2019-01-27 10:00 am
Brown spotted bananas aren't rotten, they're ripe. You can eat them entirely black.
2019-01-27 6:19 am
If it is just the peel then it is fine
2019-01-27 4:18 am
I heard that those are actually better for you.
2019-01-27 12:51 am
I think it must be.
I once had a co-worker who would NOT eat bananas until they were brown all over. The rest of us loved it .. if we had a banana that we thought was over-ripe, we could give it to HIM instead of throwing it out, and he would be pleased.
2019-01-26 11:08 pm
Spotted is not rotten, just more ripe.
2019-01-26 11:02 pm
That banana is ripe, not rotten. Those green-yellow, hard-as-a-rock things they sell in the supermarkets need to go back on the tree for a few days.
2019-01-26 10:57 pm
Brown spots means they are ripe...a perfect time to eat them
2019-01-26 10:37 pm
some people, although not me, actually prefer their bananas this way.

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