16歲以下 被告 想問一下如果雙方的口供有些地方不一 警察會找雙方再錄一次口供還是警司警戒草草了事呢?

2019-01-23 7:23 pm

回答 (3)

2019-01-25 7:07 am
16歲以下 被告 想問一下如果雙方的口供有些地方不一 警察會找雙方再錄一次口供還是警司警戒草草了事呢? →不會重做筆錄,雙方筆錄作完後,警察職務底完成。警察只需將雙方筆錄移送地檢署交由檢方偵辦,檢方會傳芳雙出庭以了解案情,檢察官會調查甚或要求雙方對質。
2019-01-24 2:17 pm
The case circumstance depends the next course of action.

It is natural that testimonies given by different persons may not match up (as each of them provides the information based on their own observations). However, it does not affect the police's investigation, as it is the job of the police to resolve the difference, and potentially find out the truth.
2019-01-23 7:33 pm
主要是證據, 人物證, 口供可以套, 也會自己利益而說, 故需人物證。 證據比口供可靠

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