is kim Kardashian the joke of america?

2019-01-23 3:42 pm
her and her rear end lol

回答 (40)

2019-01-23 3:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She's not important enough to be THE joke, just one of many.
2019-01-23 3:43 pm
butt of a joke
2019-01-23 3:54 pm
Make America Non Kardashian Again
參考: $2.95 senior special
2019-01-23 11:54 pm
Kim Kardashian is not taken seriously in America. She is popular as a sex object. Her fan base largely consists of young females who admire her for being popular and sexy.
2019-01-23 3:47 pm
It's sad that is how people want all of us to look like her. IT shows that men from America are pathetic.
2019-01-24 10:46 am
I can't bear the way she and all her Kourtneys and Karolines and Karmens TALK. ANd it's not even as if they're saying anything interesting, either.
2019-01-24 1:55 am
Well, there is one type of person in America who, as Dr. D says in his answer, admire her and the rest of her family very much, simply because they are rich, famous, and seem to live glamorous lives and are considered sexy.

Then there are the rest of us, who don't follow Kim and her family in the media, and don't pay much or any attention to them. I wouldn't call Kim Kardashian herself a joke. Say what you like, she has been savvy enough to turn her fame into a lucrative career. I think her fans are the ones to laugh at. But, to each their own.
2019-01-24 12:48 am
I don’t know why she’s famous
2019-01-28 7:55 am
I wouldn’t really say she is a “joke”. Although she is pretty immature and vain.
To be frank, I don’t believe she should be famous at all. There’s nothing real special about her, or any one of her family members.
2019-01-26 8:14 pm
The whole family is a joke to America.
2019-01-26 12:15 am
Andy Warhol once said that everyone would get their 15 minutes of fame. I think her time is up. She's old news - I don't think most people care about her now or her family. She was an overrated, media attention whore.
2019-01-26 12:08 am
2019-01-25 11:56 pm
2019-01-25 11:12 pm
No she is the slut of America!
2019-01-24 12:57 am
Kim who?
2019-01-24 12:55 am
Hate her
2019-01-24 12:55 am
No i feel like trump is more of joke kim is just looked at in a different light and only popular for her looks. Lets face it the majority of ppl probably only voted for trump because Hillary would have f*cked everything up royally and lets not forget that shes dumb enough to think its okay to kill babies when it's not. She's an idiot.
2019-02-06 8:32 pm
I watched one of the "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" episodes for 10 minutes a few years ago. It seemed just so boring.
2019-01-30 3:25 pm
No comment.
2019-01-28 7:57 am
2019-01-28 7:57 am
She screwed everyone
2019-01-28 7:57 am
Everyone is a joke except for me.
2019-01-28 7:43 am
The entire Kardashian clan is a joke.
2019-01-28 7:37 am
Kim Kardashian, is not significant enough to be considered important or a joke, because of her fame she has had interviews with Trump. but no intelligent adult in the US would consider her of any real significance.
2019-01-28 4:31 am
Some people take her seriously...
2019-01-28 4:25 am
Nah. Hardly important.
2019-01-28 12:32 am
im am not a fan of kim kardashian shes famous for no reason
2019-01-26 9:31 pm
2019-01-26 8:18 pm
kim kadarshian is not joke
2019-01-25 11:41 pm
2019-01-25 11:01 pm
I don't even think about her. You are thinking about her.
2019-01-25 8:30 pm
The president is THE joke of America
2019-01-24 2:27 am
Right after the President of the United States. Do you remember how the UN laughed at him when he told them that he is the best president America ever had?
2019-01-24 12:46 am
Yes, now that Paris Hilton is a retired old woman.
2019-01-24 12:45 am
Be nice. She did nothing to u
2019-01-24 12:45 am
No she is amazing and love her
2019-01-24 12:44 am
Trump is.
2019-01-23 6:54 pm
She's controversial, but so was Marilyn Monroe
2019-01-23 4:12 pm
Liking these mindless and superficial reality shows, is like the subjects of the emperor's new clothes, praising their leader who walked around naked and filled with delusions.
2019-01-23 4:00 pm
Well, kim is a joke like trump is a joke - some like and others hate -
2019-01-23 3:46 pm
2019-01-24 1:43 am
She seems nice enough. Not nice enough to be any sort of icon, no.

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