So why is hating men okay but hating women not?

2019-01-23 8:42 am
Nice gender equality right there.

Before anyone thinks it. Im not condoning misgoyny at all.. I'm just pointing out the acceptance in society of obvious man hating and we wonder why male suicide is a epidemic worldwide.

It's not that men don't seek help.. Its that society doesn't care because men are seen as the evil ones.

How about we stop demonising all men as monsters and starting seeing them as individuals. Because fun fact.. Most are actually good people.

回答 (58)

2019-01-24 1:57 am
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Society thinks that all men are perverts
2019-01-24 11:24 am
in elementary schools across the US “girls rule, boys drool” is heard. No prob. Male high school students are sexually assaulted by female teachers “but they loved every moment of it.” So no prob. Not so if a female high school student is assaulted by a male teacher. Girls are given lots of protective equipment to protect their faces and their bodies from harm. That’s important. Boys are encouraged to engage in sports where they will receive concussions and possible brain damage. Because their brains don’t really matter after all and they’re supposed to “drool” anyway remember? And if they get learning disabilities from the brain damage it’s not because of that but just because they weren’t as smart as the girls to begin with. Right? No-fault divorce and custody courts demonize fathers and treat them worse than serial killers and rapists Giving the mother everything the father had and not even letting him see his kids.
That’s why I in 10 divorced dads here commit suicide every day
2019-01-23 10:15 am
hating in itself is wrong, women do just as bad as men, so actually they are even on that subject, some women are flat out cruel , evil , selfish, self- centered and non caring.....all I have seen in a lot of men is they cheat..but then women do too. soooo , I say stop hate and love your neighbor....that would be better.
2019-01-23 8:44 am
because most men suck and they're awful people and need to be better. if they want to be treated like humans then they should start by treating others the same way.
2019-01-23 9:48 am
"So why is hating men okay but hating women not?"

If you buy the feminist narrative, it's because women are allegedly oppressed by men, and so it is always justified for an oppressed person to hate their oppressor.

I don't buy that at all, but that is the often claimed reason by feminists and their allies.

"It's not that men don't seek help.. Its that society doesn't care because men are seen as the evil ones."

I think you're hitting the nail on the head: society doesn't care. Even amongst those feminists who insist that men and women should be equals, a Titanic mentality persists: help the men, but only if there are resources available after the women and children are helped.

"No one said hating men was okay."

Actually some prominent feminists have said that it's okay to hate men. And then of course there's the individuals who don't overtly say hating men is okay...but they will definitely imply that hating men is okay when it comes to the way they treat men who are accused of wrong doing relative to women accused of doing wrong.

"because most men suck and they're awful people and need to be better. if they want to be treated like humans then they should start by treating others the same way."

Yeah but you've already dehumanized men, so on what basis are you in a position to expect anything of men? Maybe if "most men" aren't living up to your expectations of what "humans" should be, maybe the problem isn't those men? Just saying.
2019-01-23 8:43 am
2019-01-23 9:39 am
Hating men is okay but hating women is not because society is gynocentric.
2019-01-24 4:25 am
It's not OK. Men are human beings just like women. Women can do horrible things just like a man can. Me for one, don't hate men, or anyone else. Hate is like a cancer that only spreads.
2019-01-23 12:48 pm
Toxic feminism
2019-01-24 7:41 pm
men and women are suppose to be equal but sometimes people believe in false stereotypes which causes hate
2019-01-23 8:02 pm
“Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches
2019-01-23 8:46 am
No one said hating men was okay.
2019-01-23 9:14 am
Hating men is okay but hating women not, because of feminism.
2019-01-24 5:32 am
Ughhh...I know what you're talking about. It pisses me off.

I think it's because the society belief is that all men are one way and all women are another way. Women are believed to be more "sensitive" than men, the reason why people avoid saying anything that offends them. People hate on men because they believe they can "suck it up."

I'm male and I'm VERY sensitive. And people don't take me seriously because of this reason. I'm not trans, but I often wish I had been born a female. With the way society treats men, I feel I'd be MUCH happier as a woman.
2019-01-24 3:52 am
It's not okay. It is simply considered more acceptable within the cultural zeitgeist to hate a "hardy man" than an "emotionally delicate woman." Another flaw of our society I suppose.
2019-01-24 4:24 am
It is never okay to hate anyone.
2019-01-23 8:52 am
The principle is simple and straight..... there is no demonising of men..... they are supposed to be the stronger gender and therefore Equity demands that support and preference be given to the weaker gender.... when two things start unequal, the equality needs to be brought about by special bias in favour of the lesser of the two.
Nevertheless, I would agree that currently the bias in favour of the female seems being 'overdone' to such an extent that the scale of inequality looks like being reversed.
2019-01-23 11:47 am
The problem mostly is men that aren't too bright can't tell the difference between someone saying that ANY man COULD possibly be a rapist compared to saying ALL men ARE rapists. They are actually very different statements.

Saying that women are scared when men make comments to them on the street is because of the former not the later, but I've seen men get all psycho calling that misandrist and berating "feminists" over it- in fact it's not the same at all.
It's not blaming ALL men for anything- it's just that unfortunately we can't tell by just looking at you.

By the way I'm a woman married to a good man 20 years.
2019-01-25 3:25 am
Give it some time... misandry will be mandatory and misogyny will be illegal.
2019-01-25 1:18 am
It all depends on whether there is a reason for that hate. No-one can absolutely hate ALL women or ALL men. People have usually done something terrible to make another person actually HATE them.
2019-01-24 9:54 am
Neither hating men nor hating women is okay.
2019-01-23 8:48 am
Hating anyone is not okay.
2019-01-23 7:56 pm
Men deserve to be hated, all the evil shiit they have done through history, wars, rapes, murders, killing and abusing spouses, molesting and killing children, guilty of most discriminations like racism, sexism, homophobia, religion bashing like the holocaust etc. Treating women like shiit since the beginning of time yet complaining about feminism, its your own fault that it exists, you can blame yourselves for it cause it was invented thanks to you, if you didnt treated us like underdogs but as equals since the beginning feminism wouldnt have been needed then so the ones to be blamed are YOU! Misandry is nothing compared to misogyny, look what women go through in the middle east, its a living hell on earth there and I cant even imagine what women went through in the medieval and before that so stfu you idiots dont have it near as bad as women! Women commit suïcide alot too you know? And women get blamed mostly for being raped, beaten and even killed!! Fvck you piece of shiit pig males!
參考: Thumb me down all you want, deep down you know its the truth and the truth hurts you. Go suck your fathers diick whoever thumbs me down! MEN ARE CANCERRRR TO THIS WORLD!!!! Fvck you MEN! I HATE YOU!!!!! ????
2019-01-29 3:31 am
feminazi society
2019-01-25 9:03 am
Because men are less valuable, since we are defined by how much money we have, instead of our bodies.
2019-01-24 5:18 am
it's not okay to hate men.
2019-01-23 10:37 pm
2019-01-23 10:33 am
God help us...
2019-01-23 9:42 am
its not good to hate anyone, god dont want us to
2019-01-25 2:05 pm
Yes and in addition to that question, why is it trendy and stylish for women to tat the **** outa themselves, smoke a pack of menthols a day, have a little alcohol or coke habit or both. And piercing a **** stud through their nose? Looks like a cow ring for some reason. I won't even get into the mass murderous abortions, and strange dating habits. The **** is wrong with people?
2019-01-23 8:17 pm
I think we should go back to a society where women should start being real again, and government should stop making it seem like women are contributing to society. This is not working. It's costing a lot of money to fund this stupidity, where women are supported to carry out roles where they are incapable. And what's it all for? So some politician can get voted back into his position. Are we really running a society on this basis? Just to support a political regime, where women get royalty over men, and at the expense of everyone who does not want it.
2019-01-26 2:18 am
because of the reverse equality of the modern west. Where women are given special treatment.
2019-01-25 11:48 pm
We should give equal rights to men and women.
2019-01-25 3:18 am
Don't you worry, God will judge the world. God is a righteous king too.
2019-01-25 12:31 am
Hate isn't okay at all. Why have hate for another human being? Why do you hate women? No two people are alike, if you have problems with one specific person, it doesn't mean the next person will give you the same problems. Hate will only hurt you in the end. Hate will cause you to miss out on some of the best things you may encounter in your life. Look inside you to find the person you really are.
2019-01-24 11:58 am
hating men isn't? ok???
2019-01-24 6:43 am
Enter youtube. There, in the comment section, you will find the total opposite.
2019-01-24 6:27 am
Because we live in a feminist society.
In Islamic places, hating woman is ok but hating men isn't.
It's all 'bout culture
2019-01-24 6:20 am
Really you think hate is ok?

Wow weakness strolls everywhere not just where I am at.

Hate? Kinda passe decades or was that eons ago?
2019-01-24 6:02 am
Because men are stronger than women.
Men, we're created tough and stronger that women not to control them or to be rude to them but to protect them and help them. Then will it make sense if men holding grudges against women?
2019-01-23 10:40 am
Like Donald trump
2019-01-23 7:44 pm
Hating women has been pretty normal for thousands of years LOL. It still is normal in most of the world. But of course you don’t see life outside of your little American bubble. My god, some men are so emotional, delusional and oversensitive.
2019-01-27 3:34 am
Democrats REALLY hate women. Look at all the baby girls they've aborted!
2019-01-26 5:16 pm
Ladies could be the assholes too
2019-01-26 11:30 am
its ok if you worry about it.
2019-01-26 10:51 am
Hating women is very black and white, as is male suicide, and the fact that you are not condoning mysogyny is incredibly self-defeating, unless I'm getting the wrong impression.
2019-01-25 4:18 pm
Cause we are stupid humans daaa!
2019-01-25 2:27 pm
Fanatical feminism has gone mainstream
2019-01-25 10:28 am
there is no reason to demonize either, when 98% of the population of the united states is christian, and the jails are full to overflowing, then it is safe to say that 98% of the crimes are christian-on-christian crimes.
2019-01-25 7:37 am
Actually most men do not seek help with mental health issues/feelings of suicide.
2019-01-24 3:04 am
It's not.
2019-01-24 2:00 am
Women have been struggling to be equal for a long time.
They want to be more equal than men because it would be nice.
Women love niceness.
2019-01-23 11:41 pm
one shouldn't hate. but one must continue to repeat the past.
2019-01-24 6:23 pm
It is okay
2019-01-24 3:57 am
Because women hate but hardly kill because of that.
2019-01-23 9:15 pm
Men are allways evil on LIFETIME movies.
2019-01-24 4:47 am
There are dozens of high traffic forums dedicated to woman hate. Cut the bullshit.
2019-01-23 8:43 am
It is what it is

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