NBC scored an "exclusive" interview with Nick Sandmann (being interviewed by Savannah Guthrie). Do you plan to watch it?

2019-01-23 7:41 am

回答 (13)

2019-01-23 7:44 am
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No, though I will probably read about it afterward.
2019-01-23 7:46 am
No. He is a Disgrace.
2019-01-23 8:25 am
No. I can't believe his parents are fool enough to serve their son up to NBC. They must still believe it was all a misunderstanding, instead of a deliberate setup.

If they do the interview, they had better make their own recordings of the entire thing.
2019-01-23 2:00 pm
Of course not - - it will be chopped, spliced and diced to make him look stupid
2019-01-23 7:54 am

I'll hear about it afterward. I wonder just how they're going to spin it, since a lot of media outlets are embarrassed that they were caught spinning the narrative to his detriment. I've seen other people show, using the primary source, that he wasn't as bad as most people made him out to be and I personally wouldn't trust NBC to treat him well in this situation.

I'm surprised he didn't go with Fox. Of course they'd spin it to his benefit, which he kinda needs right now. Kid is getting death threats, which is beyond what's justifiable even if he did the worst of which he's accused of.
2019-01-23 11:29 pm
The leftist commiefags will get their vaginas in an uproar over the craziest things.
2019-01-25 6:11 am
you you know injuns, you soon learn why they never evolved out of the stone age until the white man arrived
2019-01-23 7:45 am
Sandmann could have defused the entire situation. how? by NOT responding to the African American people calling them names and using WORDS. but, him and his group of students decided to go up and laugh and mock when Phillips came and did his chant. but no, they continued to laugh and mock.
2019-01-26 2:21 pm
Savannah Guthrie is a worthless ****. She berates a a teenage boy over "smirking", but enabled her rapist co-worker for year. **** that liberal *****.
2019-01-25 10:35 pm
Savannah Guthrie was an absolute embarrassment, she did not know what she was talking about and that was clear. Accusing Sandmann of standing in the way of Phillips (the instigator), when it was Phillips who chose to get in the face of Sandmann while attempting to provoke violence from minor children. NBC continues to be an embarrassment in those they hire and the spin they put on stories !
2019-01-24 2:59 am
I saw a clip of it. It looks like the Indian is beating his drum VERY close to Nick Sandmann.
The question is....why?? Nick says he had every right to stand there. Did he walk up to the
Indian? Or did the Indian come and invade his space? I don't think the kids should go on NBC.
NBC loves to edit, take things out of context, and piece things together to create their own
story. Poor kid thinks they will treat him fairly. NBC doesn't deserve the ratings it will generate.
2019-01-23 2:23 pm
Maybe. I want to see the kid BS.
2019-01-24 1:34 am
Bruuuhhhhh Sandmannn is he made of sand lmfaoooooo

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