Why do some Christians not support the idea of separation of church and state?

2019-01-23 3:29 am

回答 (26)

2019-01-23 3:33 am
You mean why are some Christians antidisestablishmentarianists?

Haven't a clue, I just wanted to use the word antidisestablishmentarianist.
2019-01-23 3:33 am
Because, for Christians, the state IS the church.

The man they worship as god is head of state, and big daddy government is their sanctuary.
2019-01-23 3:30 am
They do, except for their denomination.
2019-01-23 3:42 am
They don't want a secular government.
2019-01-23 3:34 am
Because they don't object to the government pushing a religion provided it is their religion. They want to be protected by the government from having to practice a religion they don't agree with. But, if they see the ability to use the government to promote their religion, some are shortsighted enough to attempt to do that.
2019-01-23 3:44 am
They want the government to enforce their religious beliefs on all.
2019-01-23 3:31 am
2019-01-23 3:38 am
They all support it as long as it's not their specific church that's separated from the state.
2019-01-23 3:34 am
Because disestablishmentarianism would cost a lot, and there is a lot of property where it is not clear if it belongs to the state, the church, or the Queen
2019-01-23 3:31 am
I certainly do. I don't think the govt should be involved in religion.
2019-01-23 3:56 am
If there were no separation of church and state, the USA could turn into a Christian version of Iran or Saudi Arabia.
2019-01-23 3:31 am
Because they need structures like gov't to validate their cult BS in their own minds.
Their cult BS is so lame, they crave outside validation.
2019-01-23 3:33 am
in what way .. the government should not be doling out the rules of a particular sect of religion, that is problematic .. what you usually come across though are complete retards that think the main idea of the separation is to stamp out all religion from anywhere govt related lol ... that is trampling on rights there, and misses the entire point of protecting the population from tyranny, they are being tyrants themselves ....
2019-01-23 3:36 am
Can you name a govt/state which is run by the church?
2019-02-17 2:01 am
I don't know of anyone who does not support separation of church and state.

I think what's happening is, Christians are saying that church should influence state, and people take that to mean Christians do not support separation of church and state.
2019-01-23 8:44 am
If you think to take away our voting rights, your beliefs whatever they are, atheism, etc, are no better as far as having voting rights. And that issue has nothing to do with the separation of church and state.

Already, it seems in the news, that an effort is made on voting rights to exclude people of various races. This is not democracy, but tyranny. It seems that efforts to make any infraction of the law a reason to take away the rights of many to vote. Again, this is not democracy but strong-arm tactics of countries like Russia, NK, and China. Politicians who make such efforts should get strong and lengthy prison sentences, or a bullet to the brain if the law has stopped working as intended by the constitution.
2019-01-23 6:26 am
Many want the church to control the state.
2019-01-23 4:09 am
The United States already doesn't have separation of church and state. You can't get elected to Congress unless you are Christian. Christians have religious based laws already established in state governments. Christians have their own schools to teach nonsense like creationism. Christians are trying to get their nonsense in public schools. There are even (fake) "colleges" where Christian nonsense is taught. Like Liberty "University". The establishment clause has been broken so many times the Founding Fathers would be pissed.
2019-01-23 4:03 am
Any church that obtains 501c3 status, is complying with rules, in which they allow the government to interfere with what topics they can speak on. It is a loophole around freedom of speech and religion. But many pastors gladly comply because they'd rather their topics being quelled, then have to pay taxes... not that the government should tax tithing money anyway.

Pastors also give credence to the government to decide what is a legitimate church and what is not, which seems like a breach of separation of church and state. Not all 501c3 churches are churches of God (in reality), and true churches only consist of Holy Spirit filled people, as God says He dwells NOT in temples made by human hands, that the bodies of people are His building. The Holy Spirit inside of a person qualifies that person as being a member of the body of Christ - because those who are part of His body, must also be connected to Him by His Spirit.

The idea of separation of church and state, was not to oust God from being acknowledged by the government, but was to help ensure that the government did not establish a particular denomination over the people (such as the church of England or even Roman Catholicism). They didn't want God to be outlawed, nor did they want to be forced to be ruled by a false theological monstrosity. They wanted freedom to worship God according to the truth, and the best way to ensure this, was to give the people this freedom.

The positive aspect of having separation of church and state is that sharia law cannot be installed as it would be a breach of the establishment clause. But that being said, the Vatican does rule behind the powers of the nations, even through its Orders: the Jesuits, the Freemasons, and the Knights of Malta. It does this so that the mainstream public is unaware that there is indeed a religious entity ruling behind the scenes, even that entity which they though they had escaped from, but to no avail (unfortunately).
2019-01-23 4:03 am
because that is not what the amendment says that is a peculiar interpretation put on the amendment by the supreme court
2019-01-23 5:53 am
I'm a Christian and I support the idea of separation of church and state. but that doesn't preclude me from exercising my right to vote my right to litigate my right to lobby my right to raise a following and to put a bill in front of Congress to change the way the state behaves. Every person in the United States has that right regardless!
2019-01-23 3:58 am
Because they think their religion and sect will be the ones in charge.
2019-01-23 3:42 am
I assume this is an american question. There is no separation between church and state in the US, even though americans pretend there is. American politicians are driven by theri religious beliefs, and only a devout christian who supports Israel will ever be elected there. Even the debates before elections are about the religious questions on abortion and homosexuality. Polls are taken among religious people because americans know the religious vote is the one that matteres. Also the money says 'In God We Trust'.
2019-01-23 3:32 am
There are competing religions, some of which are about power in the world, now. That's based on the fleshly lust for power and wealth and such, worldly things, here and now. Such will always try to wrap themselves in a banner of something more legitimate, like God or flag, to make their real agenda seem better than it is. Jesus said though how to know people are His, in the gospel accounts, quite clearly.

The only way church and state could ever be unified in a good way is solely by Christ Himself in person, when He returns to reign, perfectly. Using His perfect understanding.
2019-01-23 3:32 am
Like who?
2019-01-23 3:39 am
I do. That is why I object to the teaching of the religion of evolutionism at taxpayers’ expense.

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