Why are younger generations more likely to identify as LGBT?

2019-01-23 1:17 am
Many studies report that those from Generation Z or Millenials are less likely to identify as “exclusively heterosexual”, why is this?

回答 (11)

2019-01-23 1:17 am
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They aren’t more likely its just more acceptable now. In the past it could ruin major reputations.

Quit frankly I am very proud of this younger generation and what they are and who they are, can’t wait for them to rule the world and all the old douchebags to go die.
2019-01-23 1:58 am
It's simply safer than ever to come out.
2019-01-23 1:18 am
Only because they are more willing to admit that they may sometimes feel sexually interested in members of the same sex.

Members of most earlier generations usually wouldn't have admitted that if you'd held a gun to their heads.
2019-01-23 3:22 am
They are more likely to come out now than before because nowadays it is more tolerated to be something else than heterosexual than before.
2019-01-23 1:25 am
They were born into a more accepting society.
2019-01-23 4:24 am
As loads just want to have a label their not even gay or their one of those made up things like non binary
2019-01-23 3:38 am
Because of lunacy in the crowd.
2019-01-23 3:11 am
cause ur gay
2019-01-23 4:21 am
exposure to internet porn from the age of 5
2019-01-23 1:45 am
A convergence of forces have shaped those opinions. The overwhelming majority of teachers and professors are decidedly liberal. Some estimates are 16:1. Almost half of American colleges have no professors who identify as Republican or conservative. Almost half have zero. Zero!
There is little diversity of thought.
The majority of adults get their news from Facebook, and that number only increases as you look at younger demographics. Facebook news is filtered through only a handful of sources, which ironically, those same users consider untrustworthy by a majority. Again, little diversity of thought or opinion.
The sports and entertainment cultures are also decidedly liberal and hard left. Younger people consume that material at higher rates, too. This is one reason younger people will say, "Why, everybody knows that!" Because virtually every source of influence and information they have is drumbeating the same message. Confirmation bias reigns. Diversity dies.
Media is actively pushing the homosexual agenda. Advertising agencies. So our youngest minds are being bent to conform and consider, "Well, maybe heterosexuality and monogamy is wrong. Maybe what was once normal is now abnormal. And to be normal and one of the group, I need to explore which gender identity I fit into."
What we consume influences who we become. Nearly any idea, no matter how extreme or wrong, will thrive in a single source forum. If LGBTQ, etc ideas are good, then they will welcome debate and diversity of thought. I don't see evidence of that. I see evidence of manipulation and hatred of anyone who disagrees.
2019-01-23 1:19 am
Its because the gay boys are converting them

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