We can make all kinds of technology and gadgets that are pure magic, yet we don't make money as realistic as the original?

2019-01-22 11:41 pm

回答 (9)

2019-01-23 2:24 am
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Ahh, talking about counterfeiting.

Well, countries spend lots more money than you do to make sure their bills are as secure as possible.

The cost outlays to produce counterfeit money would be far too great for small crooks. Larger organizations could do this, but the more people aware, the more likely someone will tip off the authorities.
2019-01-23 4:17 am
the original 'money was made eons ago and consisted of 'pretty shells on a string'.

I can put pretty seashells on a string today and they will be as realistic as the original.

But I can no longer use them for money.

I can trade them for money.
2019-01-22 11:46 pm
As the original...what?

Money is, fundamentally, an abstract concept. Just what do you think "the original" money was? Sea shells?
2019-01-22 11:41 pm
And why should we. Logic says that if it is that absolute then probably YOU are the one in the wrong.
2019-01-23 12:27 am
Do you want to go shopping
while carrying buckets of metal coins?


John Popelish
2019-01-23 1:46 am
2019-01-23 12:00 am
Something like 80% of money doesn't even have paper representation. It's based on faith. Here's how it was explained to me. A bank holds your money. Then they loan it out, but you can still access your money. Now two people have access to the same money, buying real world purchases. Now the bank counts on that money being paid back and uses that anticipated pay back as an asset. Now, the money you put in the bank is being used in two other ways, and you still can take that money out of the bank at any time. Of course, this falls apart of everyone tries to take their money out of the bank at once, like they did in the great depression, but most of the time people have faith in the numbers they see, and it works.
2019-01-22 11:46 pm
Counterfeiters are sophisticated. The problem is the value of money doesn't come from the actual paper. Value is based on the "full faith and credit" of the government that issues the paper.
So you could make a perfect replica of a bill and it would still be worthless. A fraud. In the same way someone could make a perfect replica of your identification and claim to be you. They are frauds.
2019-01-22 11:43 pm
if you can make it, it is not magic. Have you found a way to make water into wine without touching or adding anything to it? How about feeding 5000 with a boys lunch? Those are miracles. Being able to pull up your location on google maps by saying "Hey Google, where am I" is cool, but know where near magic or the miraculous

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