Do you agree the MAGA hat is the new white hood?

2019-01-22 10:33 pm

回答 (145)

2019-01-23 5:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes. It shows that you identify with a politician who repeatedly demonizes immigrants and other vulnerable groups (such trans folks) in an attempt to stir division and fear. It also harkens back to an earlier, “better” era when minorities were kept in their place. Repeated studies have showed that the primary factor driving support for Trump is “racial resentment”
2019-01-22 10:52 pm
No. Why would I agree with such an IDIOTIC statement?
2019-01-22 11:10 pm
No I don't; although some are likening it to that for their own political gain. What about certain sports team athletic wear that certain gangs wear and is associated with them? Is that sports team athletic wear then an indication that whoever is wearing it is a member of that gang in every case? Hardly not and me wearing a hat that is associated with Trump is my right and is not the same thing as what someone is trying to imply instead and associate that to.
2019-01-22 11:15 pm
2019-01-23 6:02 am
More like the new dunce cap
2019-01-24 1:51 am
The liberal media wants you to believe that all Trump supporters are racist. If someone has a Trump bumper sticker - he's a racist. If someone has a MAGA hat - he's a racist.

Truth is, very very few Trump supporters are racist. Truth is, there are bias and criminal types on both sides of the political spectrum. Truth is, we all need to treat all people with respect and kindness. We need to let each other speak. When we do we find we have more in common than we first imagine.
2019-01-22 11:56 pm
No, I'm not a fascist bully.
2019-01-22 10:37 pm
No. It does send a message...but not to the degree that a white hood does.
2019-01-22 11:28 pm
Anyone, repeat anyone, who is so simple minded they think or believe that tripe, needs serious help.
2019-01-22 10:37 pm
Yes all Trump supporters are KKK in disguise.
2019-01-23 5:43 am
2019-01-23 6:56 pm
As a black man I say no, that's ridiculous and dellusional and shows you've been brainwashed.

That's taking political rivalry too far. And you're also legitimizing white supremacists by doing that.

If you're against racism then you should be seeking to diversify the Republican party and point out and play up non-white, and non racist Republicans rather than trying to legitimize white supremacists as the only Republicans which is what they want.

If you and them want to play down, ignore, overlook non white republicans that means you're doing their work for them.

2019-01-23 1:21 am
Do I agree that you are an idiot race baiter?
2019-01-23 12:02 am
No I have two. Thanks for asking such a stupid question
2019-01-22 10:36 pm
Or tin foil hat
2019-01-22 11:03 pm
2019-01-22 11:01 pm
2019-01-23 2:14 am
No, because the MAGA slogan is not meant to be applicable to only white people, but instead, MAGA means making America great for everyone.
2019-01-22 10:36 pm
No. Not at all.
2019-01-22 10:35 pm
you must be easily triggered
2019-01-22 10:36 pm
No, its not.
And saying it is is part of whats causing tensions in the US right now.

There are a lot of non-whites wearing MAGA hats.
Discounting their existence is extremely racist.
2019-01-22 10:37 pm
No. White Klan hoods were worn by democrats. No democrats wear MAGA hats.
2019-01-24 12:15 am
Yes, it is. And anyone who says otherwise is a racist.
2019-01-22 10:34 pm
No. They trigger liberals hatred for our President.
2019-01-23 6:49 am
Nope, its just a hat. No different than an "I'm with her" hat. Both hats are just for expressing one's politics. Republicans v Democrats, Red v Blue. Nothing more, nothing leas.
2019-01-23 12:57 am
Considering the source, a dried out pair of ****, no.
2019-01-23 1:34 am
No. That's a ridiculous question, spawned from ignorance.
2019-01-22 10:36 pm
If you put things into boxes you can never grow as a person
2019-01-23 12:47 am
Nope, the AntiFa mask is.
2019-01-22 10:37 pm
More like a dunce cap.
2019-01-25 5:04 am
That’s so ridiculous. No. It’s in support of our democratically elected president.
2019-01-23 11:47 pm
Not one bit.
2019-01-23 12:20 am
The white hood was invented by the people that fly the D at voting booths.
2019-01-23 12:23 am
No the DNC vagina hat is.
2019-01-22 11:04 pm
That's a very hateful thing to say.

Whatever happened to "Love Trumps Hate?"
2019-01-23 3:48 am
No loool
2019-01-23 6:46 am
參考: No
2019-01-23 2:03 am
Only in the eyes of traitors and malcontents. Whats a matter asshat. You can;t
move out of the basement to get a job thats available.
2019-01-22 10:35 pm
It attracts that type of person
2019-01-24 2:02 am
it’s a matter of personal opinion
2019-01-23 9:04 am
That or the cap of Ignorance. If you know that MAGA is the slogan for the Nazi's and WTM..."white trash matters" and also the slogan of the Russian would have to be an ignorant dunce or a traitor to wear one.
2019-01-24 1:42 am
That doesn't compute
2019-01-22 10:36 pm
No more of a political statement, I still can’t get my head around what it means? When did America stop being great? To me it might mean in the 1950s to you the 1960s to someone else in the 2000s
2019-01-22 10:43 pm
No. That's an overstatement. However, it's not a coincidence that the KKK endorses Trump nor is it a coincidence Trump took some time to reject their endorsement.

Plenty of Trump supporters aren't white nationalists, but they don't mind that Trump panders to white nationalists.
2019-01-23 4:58 pm
No but I'm pretty sure that you should get 2 in the T for wasting earths precious oxygen.
2019-01-23 12:32 pm
No. Liberals say that because everything is racist to them and 80% of them are a bunch of snowflakes (not all). Just because people support Trump doesn't automatically make them White Supremacists.
2019-01-23 12:13 am
No. It's bad in its own way.
2019-01-23 11:26 am
the white hood has never changed parties, it has always been worn by democrats
2019-01-22 11:44 pm
Notice in countries where no blacks reside, there are no issues of race. Think on it. The world is moving toward not having to deal with race, so it's getting rid of the catalyst.
2019-01-23 3:52 am
I wouldn't go *quite* that far..........but it's close. Really, really close.
2019-01-23 4:09 am
No. It simply is an expression of support for President Trump and a misinformed view that America lost something it had in the past.

(This is an issue Fox News is consistently vilifying the media about this week based on the viral video of Mr. Phillips. This and Mueller's comments no the Buzzfeed story gave Fox News an excuse to go on for hours about what they call fake news.)
2019-01-24 10:23 pm
the democrats are the ones who are racist.
2019-01-25 10:54 am
White hood eh? Is that why black unemployment is at 50 year lows? Trump has done more for minorities in 2 years than identity politics Obama did in 8. But the race baiting anti-American traitors in the media who want a socialist state and the destruction of this great country will say that results dont matter, only their libelous opinion that everything Trump does is somehow racist, especially the policies Obama agreed with Trump on.
2019-01-23 11:00 pm
No, that notion is a political distortion of self delusion.
2019-01-24 1:40 am
Absolutely not.. and the idiot little snip that says that deserves to have her kids threatened by a mob like these kids were. Wonder what she would have to say then???
2019-01-23 9:53 am
Not really, mi amigo.
參考: im not even american lol its not my fault your system elected someone you didnt like, not a democracy when you disagree, eh?
2019-01-23 1:21 pm
Well libs don't like it so its racist conforms to their dumbness.
2019-01-23 10:15 am
No. People who wear the hat have better things to think about than
how to cause grief to minorities. That's a narcissistic approach to think
that they are even focused on them.
2019-01-23 11:03 pm
Everything about today's right wing reeks of racism. Trump ignores all the stats about how there is no border crisis and instead sells his base on a racist "criminals f/ shithole countries" argument.
It wasn't long ago the right wing wasn't this extreme. Remember the Reagan amnesty for the undocumented immigrants? Trump wouldn't even agree to a path to citizenship in exchange for wall money ... that's how much hate the cult 45s have.
I've got an answer to the Maga hat. It's blue. It has the universal 'circle w/ the diagonal line through it' symbol. Inside the symbol is "Cult 45s".
Just ask the black people.
"Asked if race relations in the U.S. are better, worse or about the same as in February 2017, about 7 percent of black respondents said better (I would assume the Trump backers), 65 percent said worse, and 27 percent said about the same."
Trump called the white supremacists at Charlottesville "very fine people".
2019-01-22 10:37 pm
It's more like the new dunce cap. Trump caters to the truly stupid, and anyone that would pay $40 for a $2 hat from China qualifies.
2019-01-23 6:03 pm
I agree completely.
2019-01-24 10:28 am
It is the new dunce hat, go sit in the corner!
2019-01-24 2:37 pm
What does the term MAGA have to do with white people ?
2019-01-24 4:50 am
2019-01-24 2:47 am
No! These comments are ridiculous, and businesses such as yours that support statements like this are guilty of dividing this country and exploiting the turmoil that exists today.
2019-01-24 7:39 am
No its a cap people just a cap.
2019-01-23 8:17 pm
2019-01-23 8:15 pm
Not one iota
2019-01-23 10:38 pm
no because im not afflicted with snowflake delusion or the trump derangement syndrome.
2019-01-23 5:31 pm
No. The hood was part of the uniform for the kkk. It was intentional, you can't make that same connection with the maga hat

You can say that some who wear it are racists, but not all are. You can't say that about a Klan hood
2019-01-23 10:19 am
Hell No
2019-01-23 1:43 am
Not a good analogy, more like a dunce cap
2019-01-22 11:45 pm
For some people - yes.

Not for everybody, I think. There are some very conservative Republicans who love Trump who aren't KKK supporters. The KKK and other violent racist groups would love to recruit them, though.

One of the tricky political challenges for those of us who oppose racism is finding ways to encourage the non-racist white conservatives to reject the KKK types. I hope we can avoid rhetoric that lumps them altogether.

If we on the left claim that ALL supporters of the MAGA slogan are racist terrorists like the KKK, we might encourage some not very racist conservatives to join the really bad guys. We need to avoid doing that, IMO.

"Working people of ALL races -- Unite! We have nothing to lose, and a world to win."

-- democratic socialist
2019-01-22 11:15 pm
yes, without a doubt.
2019-01-25 3:57 am
No. But I do believe however that this is an ignorant question
2019-01-24 11:01 pm
2019-01-24 12:32 pm
No. There is nothing wrong with it.
2019-01-24 7:34 am
No I don't, and neither do most people that think before they speak.
2019-01-24 4:55 am
Of course NOT! The M.A.G.A. (Make America Great Again) has NOTHING to do with RACE!!! If you don't like America - MOVE!
2019-01-24 2:56 am
I never agree with stupid Hollywood actresses. LOL
2019-01-23 1:29 pm
NO! You Nazi scum are all the same! The Democratic Party founded the KKK you racist and Trumpowitzler can't steal it from us! We good liberals that get it are a okay with the KKK!
2019-01-23 3:31 pm
No. I’m not a fan of them, but I wouldn’t go that far.
2019-01-23 7:20 am
You done convinced me Mistuh Charlie. I is forget dat Obama was Democrat President TWICE and now I trusts you Republicans and I is gwine vote da way my friens vote. Jus right now I has to follow dis here bolt of beautiful red cloth onto dis here ship.
2019-01-23 9:40 am


2019-01-23 3:59 am
and the new Brownshirts (nazis)
2019-01-22 11:58 pm
Its the newest doggy chew toy!
2019-01-23 3:13 am
You can't spell HATRED without RED HAT
2019-01-22 11:20 pm
to many people it is
just as Thug is their N word
2019-01-22 11:49 pm
Its worse
2019-01-26 2:16 pm
Only simpletons think that.
2019-01-25 8:27 am
You are kidding right? How many Blacks - or Catholics for that matter - ever belonged to the KKK?
You know the KKK is and always was anti-Catholic as well as anti-Black, right?
And you do know that there are Blacks - and obviously Catholics - who wear MAGA hats, right?
I don't wear MAGA hats because I think I look ugly in a baseball cap. Maybe I should get one after all.
You also know that the country that elected Trump also elected Obama, twice in fact. Did the people suddenly change from racially inclusive to racist?
2019-01-24 3:09 pm
No, because Trump is not a "racist," but Democrats did always dominate the KKK. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
2019-01-24 2:23 pm
I dream of a day when we have MAGA hats for everyone
2019-01-24 6:52 am
No, but it's still an ugly hat. Personally I never wear any political clothing
2019-01-25 8:10 am
Heck NO this is just a liberal tactic to intimidate and undermine voters who disagrees with the democrats and when democrats can't win a argument with logic they revert to lying, name calling they'll say racists, sexist, homophoic, bigot. They'll keep saying over and over again no matter how untrue it is. That's how they win their elections. They prey on people's emotions and their ignorance.
2019-01-25 3:43 am
No, it's just a hat. Don't understand why people get so upset over clothing, it's not like all black people are going to be deported or something just because someone is wearing a hat.
2019-01-24 12:08 pm
Yes, I think that it’s a symbol of perceived superiority and has a message of hate that accompanies it.
2019-01-23 12:47 pm
Yes....MAGA for Trump is white, straight, republican
2019-01-23 10:16 am
Since KKK members and racists wear it. Yes.
2019-01-23 9:37 am
Look, I have a problem with the smiling, leering, MAGA hat wearing adolescent who got up into the face of the Native American Youth Leader in Washington this week. The punks he was with were in Washington to join the Anti-Choice marchers who choose to stick their noses in the business of other women and prevent their right to make medical decisions for themselves.
And so the punk was raised to be disrespectful of the rights of others in the FIRST PLACE!

So yeah, you're right.
2019-01-23 9:34 am
Yes, it is. Don't like what that red MAGA hat stands for these days? Then don't wear it. Start being a decent person again.
2019-01-26 12:54 pm
People perceive what they choose to believe. Black American’s see it as a symbol of the civil war. White American’s, like myself, see it to be representative of economic success, such as the industrial revolution. I personally think jealousy is a factor in many cases as well.
2019-01-26 4:41 am
Not at all , I question any who do not want to make are country better
2019-01-26 3:23 am
It was made into this by crazed left wing radicals.
2019-01-25 5:22 pm
No I don t
2019-01-25 4:01 pm
2019-01-25 11:01 am
No, the Ku Klux Klan was created by southern Democrats after the civil war.
2019-01-25 8:08 am
No, I don't. The KKK were a group of deliberate white supremacists while Trump supporters generally just want to better our country.
Even if they or myself don't entirely agree with everything Trump says or does.
2019-01-25 12:12 am
Let's be realistic here. Any American should have the right to wear whatever he wishes. The fact that another person may feel offended is not his problem.
2019-01-24 7:13 pm
Stop trolling your not funny
2019-01-24 4:53 pm
No. I have trouble even giving this question enough respect to even answer it - because it is so ridiculous. But I suppose some really are brainwashed so bad they actually believe such things.
2019-01-24 10:46 am
Its just a hate and not racist at all like libtards claim
2019-01-24 7:52 am
No, it's just a hat. There are people who also believe the American flag should be banned because it's a symbol of white supremacy and colonialism. You can denote whatever positive or negative attributes you want to a symbol, but at the end of the day a flag is just a flag and a hat is just a hat.

Here's a symbol of the matriarchy for ya.
2019-01-24 5:29 am
No. I am not a MORON, so why would I ever agree to that. Only someone too stupid to be able to think past what you are told to say, would ever agree to that.
2019-01-24 3:36 am
No. Not all Trump supporters are racist, and I choose to believe that most simply want to see the best in our president, for their own good or otherwise. Racism does still exist, but not nearly in such large amounts to get a president elected. Trump, as much as I dislike his shady capitalist agenda self, is not technically racist. He does make extremely discriminatory statements against a certain group of Americans but discriminates against not a single race but anyone who is not a natural born citizen. I daresay this is much worse, but it means he is not racist, though some of his supporters may be and some of his opposers might say he is.
2019-01-26 2:44 pm
No. But I do agree that you're a Communist piece of ****.
2019-01-25 6:34 am
No, it’s just a hat
2019-01-25 2:35 am
Absolutely not. I have seen Blacks, Asians, Gays, Browns, and just about every other person wearing it at one time or another.
2019-01-24 3:53 pm
Only to fat liberal cucks who hate America and hate whites/Christians
2019-01-24 2:03 am
Sort of, though I see it more of an "I'm the person who stands next to the person wearing the 'I'm with stupid'" T-shirt.
2019-01-23 11:01 am
you mean the one with two holes in front?
2019-01-23 12:19 pm
2019-01-23 8:19 am
When you assessorize with a swastika armband.
2019-01-23 11:45 pm
Creative question. Think so too.
2019-01-22 10:55 pm
The MEGA hats weren't worn properly to begin with. They were to be worn backwards with the hole in the back there to help see and not bump into objects.
2019-01-27 5:42 pm
HA HA! That's hilariously stupid. Why is your question not in the joke category?
2019-01-27 9:46 am
Do you agree that the poster is anti-white?
2019-01-27 6:16 am
No, it sends a message that MAGA Hat wearers are for all races and creeds - Only people who want to get rid of the constitution are trying to convince everyone that it is racist. The racists are like Hilary who said about blacks "They all look alike" and Trump followers are "despicables"
2019-01-27 12:09 am
2019-01-26 11:29 pm
The hat is not the problem, its your perception of your world view that judges the person who's views are not the same as yours, this whole hat thing is really revealing a psychological phenomena of group mind behavior, soon you will see anyone wearing a red hat as a target, it won't need to read MAGA, its a human behavior issue, people are not born racist, when there is an absence of Blind Love, you fill in the blanks with your structured perceptions, hate, judgement, racism.....etc.
2019-01-25 7:41 am
No. Actually the only person I've seen wearing one was a Hispanic woman.
2019-01-25 4:12 am
2019-01-24 10:35 pm
Quite frankly I wouldn't wear any article of clothing that supported any political party. That's just asking for trouble
2019-01-24 6:33 pm
i nver had a white hood and ill never have a red hat, but i might consider my girls get a hijab so they dont get raped
2019-01-24 4:54 pm
looks like the two biggest issues in the next election are going to be: race-freedom and sexual-freedom.
this is something we both need.
2019-01-24 10:17 am
If it is, then I think we all should get one.
2019-01-24 5:14 am
no because not all white people like trump
2019-01-25 1:06 am
it is for many
just as Thug is their new N word
2019-01-25 12:10 am
Trump branded racism.
2019-01-24 10:54 pm
I'm a black woman, I don't think it is. You should be allowed to wear what you want as long as you aren't harming anyone. You're allowed to have a statement on your head and I'm allowed to proceed living my life as I please.

Plus all that is to make people fight with one another so we never come together. Its indoctrination. Good luck everyone whatever and whoever you may be. I'm trying to get to the next dimension, all this other crap is for the sheep.
參考: life is but a dream
2019-01-24 9:53 pm
2019-01-24 10:09 am
The ones made in China or the knock-offs made in America?
2019-01-24 6:20 am
Here’s a scenario

A racist is put in a room and is forced to choose between the Dems on the left, and the Reps on the right (naturally).
The racist, is going to choose the Reps every time simply bc they believe that is where racists should go.
This effect is widely caused by the “Southern Strategy” it is where the party appeals to racist ideologies (which is prevalent in the south mainly bc of antebellum era) to increase voter turnout. They may have gotten their votes, but in the process they have given the Republican Party a very bad rep for racism.
The Republican Party needs to condemn racism and sift out the racists from the bona fide Republicans.
And to answer your question, no. Wearing a MAGA hat does not make you a racist.
But bc of this strategy, unfortunately, a lot of racists are wearing them.
2019-01-24 3:43 pm
2019-01-24 6:23 am
Nope. I think the red one is the new one. The white version has been around for a long time and they thought they needed to shine a little more and be recognized for what they are.
2019-01-24 9:32 am
There are coded messages being sent for sure.... I pretty much would assert that being a Republican at all these days, suggests that you are a traitor, at least to American values...and democracy.
2019-01-24 5:19 am
Yes, the MAGA hat is the modern day Klan hood.

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