I am 21 years old and never had a job . What should I do?

2019-01-22 9:19 pm
I am 21 and honestly I have had a job but only that it was babysitting for $30 a day in a home. It was a decent job but not really since I was getting paid less . But I have lived in Georgia since I was 9 years old and grew up there. I sort of moved to NY with my grandma who has been living here and am sleeping in her room. But my idea is to get a job in New York. Also if I leave New York to go back to Georgia I do have the money and all but it’s hard for me in a way to go back and leave my grandma behind since I have been with her since November. Sometimes I wish I could take her . Honestly my grandma has a job but not a day to day job . It’s more of cleaning houses every two weeks. She’s going to turn 60 soon and it’s not fair she has to work . She should be retiring by now and enjoy her life. But yes I am in need of a job and in some way help her financially. I have been offered jobs in ny but I don’t have a car.

回答 (6)

2019-01-22 9:48 pm
Doesn't New York have one of the best transportation systems in America?

AND...in New York an experienced baby sitter can make $30.00 AN HOUR.

Look in the paper.

Lots of people 60 and over work. Most of them enjoy it. But bless you for looking after your grandmother.
2019-01-22 9:23 pm
Get a job... uber, buses, subway, taxi..or find something close enough to walk to.
2019-01-23 5:09 am
bus system should allow you to get to work. there should be many opportunities for work in New York. Good luck.
2019-01-23 2:08 am
Uh, most working people work past 60. And NY is a place where lots of people don't have cars, but get around on public transportation.
2019-01-22 11:09 pm
1. People only get to retire after earning enough to retire...retirement isn't a right. If she's only working sporadically every two weeks...that's basically retirement anyway.
2. Get the job in NYC...this shouldn't even be a question. You will earn far more than in GA and the job prospects are far better in the long run.
3. Get some education while in NYC. There are lots of programs out there and some of them are not expensive...
4. Live with your grandma for as long as you can. Sure, you'll make more in NYC but everything will cost more as well. Save up by living with grandma.

Good Luck.
2019-01-22 9:50 pm
You need to look into some sort of practical training, at a community college, that would lead to a real job, not just ragpicking. I would look into a medical career or even the military. If no car, look into mass transit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:15:36
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