Is eating 1 meal per day bad?

2019-01-22 8:54 pm
I'm not trying to lose weight
My stomach just shrunk over the years
4 years ago I ate every meal just fine
2 years ago I ate every meal
Last yest i stopped eating breakfast and 1-2 times per week not eating lunch
Now, I'm not hungry for breakfast and for lunch
Some days I'll be hungry for lunch but wont est anything
Sometimes I'll eat 1 or 2 fun sized candies but that's it
When I get home I snack on a couple of things and then have supper and then that's it
When I wake up I'm not hungry at all
I'm not doing this on purpose
I really am not hungry

Is that bad??

回答 (8)

2019-02-10 7:32 am
If it works for you. But it won't work for me
2019-01-23 1:10 am
No... eat when you're hungry. The candy isn't really healthy.
2019-01-23 1:02 am
Not necessarily but if your 'stomach has shrunk' it may be that you are not consuming enough calories for good health. You need a minimum of 1500 for health and about 2000 to maintain weight. If you get that in your one meal and all the food groups, you'll be ok. If less, you are setting yourself up for serious health problems in the future.
2019-01-22 10:54 pm
2019-01-22 9:55 pm
you skipped the most important meal of the day.....and are in serious need of a diet makeover.......
2019-01-22 9:29 pm
Eating 3 meals a day is a combination of the world becoming industrial, ie. having to go to work in a factory vs working to grow what you eat, and marketing by the temperance movement. While I'm not promoting OMAD as a new religion, we weren't meant to stuff our faces 3-5+ times a day. That's partly how people get so fat and sick.
2019-01-22 9:11 pm
As long as you eat all the necessary nutrients when you do eat, you should be ok. Also, lots of water. You eat when you are hungry and in moderation should be the key.
2019-01-22 8:58 pm
That's pretty much what I've been doing for years.

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