Could I game the system to get an apartment this way?

2019-01-22 12:11 pm
I am moving out of my parents house and into my first apartment soon.

One in particular is by FAAAAAAR the best in my price range. Problem is, I called them and they have pretty stringent requirements for approval, including at least 12 months of prior rental history, and told me over the phone I would not qualify.

They also do not accept Co-signers unless you are a student or disabled, and I just finished college in December.

They do, however, allow primary applicants to ad additional tenents in the application so long as that person can pass a basic criminal background check, and they will issue a parking pass to that person.

My older brother with an excellent rental and credit history meets the complexes requirements to get approved.

What if he applies for the apartment himself and ads me as a tenent, and after approval, he just doesnt live there, but I do?

Would a large complex ever catch on to this?

回答 (17)

2019-01-23 11:07 am
This plan is bound to backfire, on so many levels. Credit checks, landlord finding out your brother does not actually live there after you move in. If your rent is late, the landlord calls your brother, not you. If you lose your job, your brother is responsible for your lease payments. If you are young and party at all, you and or your friends will likely cause damage to the apartment and your brother will be responsible. If you screw up, you ruin your brother's good credit.

Not good, not good at all. Too many problems can happen with your loop hole plan. Your brother would be a fool to comply with this request.

I would not do this for any of my own siblings. Too much can happen in a year.
2019-01-23 2:22 am
If he's willing to stick his neck out and make himself responsible for the rent and any damages, in addition to making it far more difficult for him to obtain loans if he needs one, then it will probably work. If you are accepted as a tenant, all the landlord will care about is being paid on time and the tenants not causing trouble.

However, if you are merely added as a tenant but not signing the lease, you do nothing for your own rental history. You can live there, but you'll have the same problem with the next place you go if they require previous rental history.
2019-01-22 11:40 pm
They probably wouldn't catch this...but your brother would be foolish to do this. As long as the rent is paid, they wont care. But what happens if you lose your job and don't pay the rent...then your brother is on the hook for it.

I wouldn't do this if you were my brother. Sorry.

Live somewhere cheap and crappy, earn that rental history and apply again in 2020.
2019-01-22 9:27 pm
Since they all run credit reports if he has a mortgage they will see that and know that he currently owns a house. If you don't pay you will ruin his credit.
2019-01-22 8:04 pm
Your brother would be stupid to do that. If you default on the rent, he is the one who will suffer the consequences. He would have to pay the rent in full or have a judgement on his credit (plus an eviction in his public records).

To answer your question, the apartment management might question why he would sign a lease but not live there. Plus, he might also be declined if his income wouldn't support rent on two places.
參考: FL landlord
2019-01-22 9:35 pm
He's taking a huge risk that you pay the rent and keep the place up. If they found out you were doing this they could ask you to leave but they probably wouldn't. It would probably work if he's willing to do it.
2019-01-23 3:07 am
Of course they would. They would also run background checks on him and when he is renting or owns elsewhere, he would be disqualified.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2019-01-24 11:59 pm
You are actually not gaming the system but your very own brother. I sure hope HE has moire sense than you do and tells you no way in hell.

NO YOU IN YOUR INFINITE WISDOM do not know exactly when you might screw him over maybe not even intentionally but it happens.

Go find your credit report and look at the very first page VERY intently then come back and tell me how HIS report will change to give this whole plot away.

Hint look in the personal area of the credit report
2019-01-23 7:15 pm
ok.. think this through... your brother applies as the main occupant. He WILL be background checked and it comes to light that he is already in the middle of another lease in another property. No law that says he can't rent two places - but he would need to have one heck of an income to qualify to rent both. So that idea is dead in the water before it starts

Even if he did pass this first test, his name would be on everything, he would be responsible for rent etc - and have to rely on you to repay him. What if you lost your job, or were broke one month and couldn't pay him. Your brother would have to trust you 200% to agree to this.

Renting two places would also impact on brother's ability to get other credit, loans etc

Sorry buddy, this is place is NOT for you... at present at least
2019-01-22 12:42 pm
You would not be gaming them, your brother would be. But, as long as the rent is paid, I doubt they would care.
2019-01-22 11:03 pm
Ask them.......... however if I was your brother I wouldn't as it is him who is 100% responsible for the tenancy, rent and you are already trying to con the landlord
2019-01-26 4:57 am
You're likely not to be able to game the system without doing something unethical such as claiming your parents as your landlord and having them lie about how great of tenant you've been.

It's going to be tougher for you as a first-time renter. But doing things the right and ethical way will make you feel much better in the long run than compromising your integrity just to get an apartment.
2019-01-24 1:38 am
" What if he applies......"?

"What if pigs could fly....."

Unless stupidity runs in your family your "what if" is just your wishful thinking

If it does then it could work - cos there is no law says he cant rent more than 2 places , or that he has to live in either of them

your second hurdle is him getting approved unless he has a a high enough income to afford both, AND leave him enough to live on
2019-01-26 6:17 am
Why start your life with a lie? Grow up, this is life. Get a cheaper apt., one you CAN afford.
2019-01-25 12:00 am
The fact that you are even considering this shows you are irresponsible. People don't realize how an eviction, black mark on your credit rental history will affect your future. Good things are worth the wait. Moving in under a ruse is not a smart thing to do.Those things NEVER work. You can learn the hard way or find an apartment that is doable for now and as others said build a good rental history. You need the practice in discipline first.
2019-01-24 5:47 am
You might be able to get away with this. However, as everyone else is saying, your brother would be a fool to do this. It's HIS *** on the line. What if you stop paying rent, either because you lose your job, or you're just irresponsible? Have you asked him about this yet? Because no matter how nice he is, if he has a functioning brain, he will say no.
2019-01-23 1:48 am
If you do not qualify then you will not get the rental. PERIOD. There is no legal way around it. Applying and lying that he will live there is fraud. You can get evicted & he can get sued!

YES you can & probably would be found out. A big complex would have a management company that has probably been doing this a long time & know how to look out for & catch scamming arsholes like you. Experienced landlords know how to spot fruad & scammers.

Nobody owes you anything.You are not entitled to this rental. You have to find somewhere else to live. Time to grow the F up & deal with it!!!
2019-01-24 6:59 am

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