Why do racists have to make life harder than it should?

2019-01-22 5:25 am

I hold no illusions the world will ever be 100% rid of the horrifying thing that is racism... but I just find it so small, so shallow, and so sad that racist people have to make life harder than it should be for those they despise. Life for African-Americans and other such people in the United States isn't harder than those of white people because that's how nature intended it to be. Life for them is hard because the people out there who despise them make it hard.


I look to history, and I see all the crap that's happened that's pushed back certain races of people, while others have excelled. The Native Americans and the Trail of Tears, the Jews and the Holocaust, the Blacks and the slave trade/Jim Crow laws/lynching... And the list just goes on. They didn't ask for these things, the people who despised them, the people who saw them are nothing but freaks that deserved to either die or be worked to death. Those are the ones I hold responsible.


Even now, the same ****'s happening. People who hold the same horrible beliefs the people of the past did, and mindlessly spreading it everywhere they go. Pieces of **** on the Internet spreading the same tired falsehoods and lies that led to the deaths of countless people, and it's still leading to the deaths of people now. And if not deaths, ridiculous setbacks that prevents them for living up to their full potential. I can only imagine how easier life would be if racism didn't exist.


Alas, racism does indeed exist; it's nowhere near as intense as it was in the past. And I thank goodness for that, because I'd likely be dead and gone by now, considering I wouldn't be the "proper race". But it looks like we've got a long way to go before things get truly better. All I ask is that humanity doesn't end up reverting back to those ways. Entire groups of people getting treated like animals, being seen as nothing but a blight on the world... it's absolutely horrifying,


This is already pretty long-winded, but I'll cut to the chase: racism will never be 100% gone from the world, but that doesn't mean you should just become a part of the problem like so many people have done and are doing right now. Be better than them; be better than all of them. Because, trust me, after looking to history, one thing's for certain: It's easy to let your fear, paranoia, and hatred get the better of you... And turn you into a heartless monster obsessed with nothing but race.

回答 (4)

2019-01-22 2:18 pm
They're ignorant.
2019-01-22 5:31 am
cause theyre being nnean by being racists
2019-01-22 5:27 am
Racists probably feel that way about you too
Just ignore it, it's not worth thinking too hard about
2019-01-24 9:35 pm
Guilt if they ever stop hating would catch up with them. The hardest thing to do is to change when you have to acknowledge that you have caused pain and harm. To repent requires something of a soul.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 14:09:46
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