Do you think the universe is a simulation?

2019-01-22 5:02 am
According to Elon Musk, it's highly likely that we're living in a simulated universe. What if AI gets so advanced that they'll be able to create infinite number of universes with infinite number of possibilities? Thoughts?

回答 (21)

2019-01-22 5:11 am
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The world is an illusion of our mind, so in a way, yes it is kind of simulated, and only we can experience it, from our perspective. I believe in an eternal cycle. Big bang, big crunch, big bang.
2019-01-22 11:17 am
I’ve written several simulations in the past - certainly not as grandiose as a universe - so I would look for several characteristics of the universe since processing power and memory are not infinite under any circumstances.

First, I would expect no physical infinities to exist in a simulated universe since infinities in the simulation would require infinite processing power/memory. And of course, we don’t believe that there are any physical processes that are infinite in our universe. Generally any theory that contains infinities is considered invalid at the point it predicts infinities.

Second, I would expect a simulated universe to have some level of granularity which is also a corollary of no infinities. In other words, I would not expect space/time to be continuous but rather have some granular discontinuous limits. Most physicists believe that this is indeed the case with our universe, e.g. the Planck length and Planck time being fundamental granularities. Most attempts at quantum gravity assume some form of granularity of spacetime.

Third, I expect there would be parts of the simulation available only on demand. Why go to the work to ‘fix’ some physical process when no intelligent elements of the simulation are looking at the process. Keep it in an indefinite state until it is required for some interaction. Don’t bother to make a particle be located at a particular point until someone tries to find it with a detector. This is precisely the way quantum mechanics works. In the same vein, what is the point of modeling the entire universe in detail when we are causally disconnected from it and can’t interact with it in any way?

I could prattle on with this, but you get the picture. There is nothing in our universe necessarily inconsistent with a sophisticated simulation, but it’s pretty unlikely to be the case.
2019-01-22 5:38 am
I (truly) think that anyone who takes that entire concept even a little seriously has a screw loose. And yes, I include Elon Musk in that.
2019-01-25 2:47 pm
a vast creative intelligence such strength and creativity is required for that job,implies he'it/whatevvvvvvverr,,,,,, can cognate.create what how and as,he/she/it wishes
it may be,we must get outside this reality, and report back to others what goes on,,,that has yet to happen,well,there was yeshua with his own story,make of that what you will
2019-01-22 6:36 am
Its possible. We definitely don't know whats actually going on here.
2019-01-26 1:27 am
no;its there as long as we stand on it.
2019-01-23 8:47 pm
A simulation of what? Of a "real" universe? You need to look up the word "simulation" and see what it really means.
2019-01-23 3:06 am
That kind of questioning just gives me immense anxiety, I don't think so, though. I feel that even as humanity, we need to know many things.
2019-01-22 1:27 pm
We are real.
Elon Musk is also real. He owns SpaceX.

Billionaires are allowed to be a little eccentric.
2019-01-22 10:57 am
Why is it that nobody thought about this simulation theory until that movie came out? And nobody could have thought of it until recently when computers were invented.
I'm sure we will invent new technologies and think of new theories in the next few thousand or millions of years that we can't even imagine now.
So why do you think computers and simulations are the ultimate best technology for a super intelligence to use?
2019-01-22 5:11 am
I don't believe it, but I think its possible. I don't know what kind of evidence would prove that this universe is a simulation.

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