Why does anybody bother with Yahoo Answers anymore?

2019-01-21 3:48 am

I'm honestly surprised this place hasn't gone defunct yet, considering how low quality it's become over the years. While there are good questions and marvelous answers, that usually gets overshadowed by the mountain of stupid questions and ridiculous answers. And then there's the problem of the racist questions, which I see is still going on. That was one of the many reasons why I left, and it's been over two years since I last did anything on here. Still, it's surprising this place hasn't died.


Just like every other site and service on the Internet, this place will inevitably die. But I find it pretty miraculous how it hasn't happened yet.

回答 (31)

2019-01-21 5:49 am
because some users still want to do serious exchange of knowledge
2019-01-21 4:32 am
Some people still like Yahoo Answers I still like Yahoo Answers Im on here 1-2 times a Day
2019-01-23 4:02 am
it's free...........it still works..........and addictions are hard to break.
2019-01-21 4:07 am
It is still enjoyable at times.
2019-01-21 11:17 pm
In part for the same reason YOU are here. Because there is still valid content and because it's a way for some people to pass the time. Sure, it will die some day as pretty much all websites and forums do eventually (especially ones for entertainment), but just because this place is in a deep slump (quality-wise, anyway) doesn't stop it from being a place some still enjoy coming to. I pass my slow days at work here and even piddle around here from home, if I'm just watching TV and relaxing. Everyone here has their own reasons for being here, whether it's to use the site as intended or because they feel they can post as they want with little to no consequences.
2019-01-21 2:02 pm
It's a cheap way to pass the time.
2019-01-21 5:23 am
Its nice to help people with their questions and it can be fun to pass time by
2019-01-21 4:35 am
Thats what I have been asking myself for years and years but I am still here but no-where as much as I was.
2019-01-21 8:05 am
It's a laugh watching the cheating.
2019-01-23 2:37 pm
You can't talk back to fake news papers, radio or TV. But Y!A, purple as it is, gives a way to sharpen writing skill, reasoning skill, reminisce, and think.
2019-01-21 5:12 pm
Some questions and answers are ridiculous. When I search for some useful questions and answers, most of them are from 5-10 years ago.
2019-01-21 11:33 am
I'm hoping it will go Green again, just like the old days, old days...
2019-01-21 8:00 am
The sad reality is that, as long as all the creeps, perverts, racists & any other "low form" of human being uses this site -- it's going to stay here.

Or at least it seems that way... it's been like this for at least 4 years now.
2019-01-21 7:43 am
Keep away from the ridiculous sections and stick with the ones where people on the whole are genuinely looking for real answers:Books and Authors, Words and Wordplay, even History though it can get ridiculous sometimes.
2019-01-21 3:52 am
Habit probably.
2019-01-22 9:57 am
Easy to troll.
2019-01-21 10:02 pm
Good question. Far too many abusers, lunatics, and pranking children. Very few legit questions.
2019-01-25 1:52 am
Enrique, personally, Tad likes to spread his vast wealth of knowledge. As for other folk, I think a lot are just lonely and have found nothing better to do with their time.
2019-01-22 11:58 am
Its still a lot of fun, and, yes, you can learn something.
2019-01-22 7:14 am
My reason is becuase, there are somethings i dont want to talk about to my friends, because of my trust issues. So i go here, I feel like if i talk to someone i know, they will judge me, and itll hurt, but if someone judges me on here it doesnt hurt. But there are some of those ***** that decide to troll.
2019-01-22 6:37 am
Because there is a lot to answer and ask on this site.
2019-01-22 4:51 am
Why do you? You're still writing questions here!
2019-01-22 3:57 am
It's still outstanding
2019-01-22 1:02 am
it is enjoyable and the info you get is sometimes very helpful
2019-01-21 4:25 am
The Yahoo Help Forum (HTTP://forums.yahoo.net) will close in 4 days (January 24. 2019). At that time many will return to Yahoo Answers.
2019-01-23 12:59 am
I am still hoping that Oath will do something to improve the service
2019-01-24 8:39 am
Some of the stuff I ask on here is because I cant ask in real life I would get judged
2019-01-24 6:25 am
I still have nothing better to do. Just like you.
2019-01-23 9:43 am
Easy baiting/flaming on the crap sections, some sections are somewhat enlightening though. Never take the Social Sciences/Society and culture too seriously, those are the worst categories unless you want to troll.
2019-01-22 5:30 am
Stop giving a damn and just troll as well.
2019-01-22 3:54 am
They are all trolls
2019-01-24 10:27 pm
Good question. It seems to be full of Russian trolls and low life idiots. I quit after they fined me ten points for telling some stupid kid to do his own homework. They seem to have given up on moderation. I came here to find what people think about Yahoo mail now, instead all I find is irrelevant crap.

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