Can I report my neighbors to the rspca or spca?

2019-01-21 1:57 am
Just for some background details, I’ve been living at my current address for 9 years and I’ve also had my cat Nicki for those 9 years but also ever since my family and I moved into our house our downstairs neighbors have hated us for really no good reason.

My cat Nicki is very much an outdoor cat and he likes to usually spend weeks sometimes even up to a month outside until he finally comes back inside. You can’t really force him to come back in because anytime you get close to him outside he’ll run away but he’ll always come back in when he wants to. Recently though our downstairs neighbors have been taking him into their house everyday. I leave to go to work and I see him in their house, I get back from work and he’s usually still in there, so now nicki never wants to come in our house because he’s being fed elsewhere. I can’t really ask them to stop or even write a letter to them because they always so aggressive with us. Can I report them to someone like to rspca or the spca in order to them to stop taking him in?

回答 (7)

2019-01-21 10:22 pm
Nope. The cat is being cared for by decent people. When you let your cat free roam, anyone can take the cat inside and keep it. Its BS that you cannot keep your cat in your house - you just don't want to do it. And since you don't care that the cat is gone for weeks, the cat is more of a stray then your pet.
2019-01-21 10:21 am
Clearly he CAN be coaxed indoors if your neighbors are able to do it.

Keep your cat indoors. When he is roaming, he legally has no owner, so your neighbors can easily just claim him
2019-01-21 5:15 am
If you kept the cat indoors by you, this wouldn't be an issue. They are currently taking care of him. As an outdoor cat you have no claim on him when you don't keep him as an indoor cat in your own home.
2019-01-21 3:08 am
Report them for what? They are not being cruel to the cat. Quite the contrary; they are feeding him and he seems to want to be there.
2019-01-21 11:22 pm
What kind of monster provides care for an animal being neglected by its owner? Where I live, it is illegal to let your cat roam, but perfectly legal to trap outdoor cats. Take care of your cat or find it a proper home.
2019-01-21 3:19 am
report them because your cat likes them better? I do too---gonna report me? lol
2019-01-21 2:56 am
Cats will often decide to move house they may get more attention, want to have company or something upset them in their own home....... the problem is the law and that often depends on where in the world you live, but in many places dogs are classed as property, cats are not.

So find out what the law states about cats where you live, and as it is a civil process the police will not deal with it at all ( notice you added a comment of 'police issue') police only deal with criminal law..civil law you have to use small claims court.
It has happened to me my cat would go visiting one person then the next and get fed. He belonged to a lady who died and I took him on rather than him being taken by rescue as her family didn't want him and he had always 'visited' every house to be fed for the first 2 yrs of his life while with her ... then one day he left my home in the morning and returned wearing a 'new' collar with a ;new; name and address attached ( and my cat never spent nights out) so off I went to see them to tell them he was my cat, which I had for 3 yrs prior to moving and for the last 4 yrs in that house, so he was not a stray, was not homeless cat, gave them their collar back AND KEPT MY CAT indoors for 2 weeks to attempt to stop him food begging and moving back, as soon as he was out and about off he resorted to his same behaviour.
You can only talk to them, if your cat comes in, keep it in, build an outside pen for it in your garden if required but rescues or the police will not help you get it back

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