does Having an associate degree mean your high school diplomas is irrelevant?

2019-01-20 4:41 am

回答 (3)

2019-01-20 4:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sort of. Once you get any type of degree, no one is much interested in the lower ones. On a resume, you don't usually list the high school you went to, unless it was special in some way. But the relevance of the high school diploma was in getting you admitted to a higher degree program.
2019-01-20 5:33 am
When Mr. Speed finished his PhD, he got a job that started the following September. But he needed income over the summer and applied for several jobs anybody could do.

While he had a BA, a Master's, and a PhD at the time, the place that hired him wanted to see his high school diploma.This amused the snot out of us.
2019-01-20 4:45 am
Not necessarily. It depends on the context. In terms of university admission decisions, what you did in high school becomes irrelevant if you have an AA transfer degree. On the other hand, Pamela, that extra education might help improve your "cave woman" answers on this site.

You're prone to responding to people's questions with gems of wisdom like "Ook." An extra two years of education might help clear your brain of that mush.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:48
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