Having wifi problems with my PC! Someone please help!?

2019-01-20 1:08 am
I believe this issue is with my PC since it is the only device in the entire house effected either this issue.

The issue: my PC will disconnect from the internet after being connected for no longer than around 20 seconds to 2 minutes. It will then automatically reconnect itself half an hour later to do the same thing.

I have tried the following to fix the issue

-restarting PC
-uninstall and reinstall drivers for adaptor
-updating drivers
-restarting router
-modify adaptor power settings

None of these have successfully fixed the issue

Your help is appreciated!

回答 (9)

2019-01-22 6:58 am
Reset router
2019-01-21 11:08 pm
try to To change the wireless channel:
Launch a web browser from a computer or mobile device that is connected to your router's network.
Enter the user name and password. The user name is admin. ...
Select Wireless. ...
From the Region menu, select your region. ...
Select a number from the Channel menu.
Click the Apply button.

or use ethernet on the back of your computer if you got it.
2019-01-21 6:06 pm
power saving features TURN OFF. IP address allocated to PC within the ROUTER should be FIXED(ie set to ALWAYS ALLOCATE THIS PC THAT IP.) most router have a LIST CONNECTED STATION option that will have a tick box for that setting. Your routers chipset and pc wifi chipset dont like each other. consider setting advanced setting(properties of pc connection) and de-select any AUTO settings and make them FIXED to a value eg if it offers connection speed of b,g,N,2.4,5.0 then try fixing to older 2.4. In other words prevent at least one end of the connection from TRYING to CHANGE settings as its going along. those things should help.
2019-01-21 2:34 pm
Mmm..you need to stop it from connecting only 20sec-2min and also from connecting later and doing the same
2019-01-21 12:47 am
If you're close enough to the router, use an Ethernet cable to hook in without using wireless. If that's not an option try moving the PC closer to the router or invest in an antenna to boost your PC's wireless range.
2019-01-20 10:57 pm
buy a wifi adapter
2019-01-20 6:31 am
sounds like the Wifi card is going bad
2019-01-20 2:16 am
are you sure your computer is not infected.
could be the firewall is blocking communications.
(Blocking all internet connections for a certain period of time)
check your firewall statistics/recorded data/logs
2019-01-20 1:17 am
change the router lease time to either a long time or to the default never disconnect which is often zero (0)
2019-01-20 1:15 am
If you computer is near the router, then try to connect to the router directly with an Ethernet cable to your PC.

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