Why should marijuana be legalized?

2019-01-20 12:35 am
I’m trying to understand both sides of the argument. I’ve always heard arguments against legalizing it, but not many supporting it.

回答 (11)

2019-01-20 12:37 am
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The argument for it is that it doesn't have any worse effects than alcohol. Also, legalizing it takes the profit out of it for drug dealers.
It's also true that it means a huge boost in income for states, because they can collect sales tax on it. That's one of the main reasons alcohol was legalized again after prohibition.
2019-01-20 12:38 am
1. The ban on it is unconstitutional.
2. Its production, sale, and use do not constitute a violation of anyone's rights.

The only proper scope of limitation on it should focus on secondhand smoke and clear labeling in THC-laden products.
2019-01-20 1:07 am
Marijuana is an exit drug. Not an entry drug.
2019-01-20 1:01 am
Cause if I haven't harmed another person or their property I haven't committed a real crime
2019-01-20 12:39 am
Because it's harmless compared to other things that are legal like alcohol and tobacco and prescription drugs. It's not addictive, it's cheap, and is a great source of revenue for the government.
2019-01-20 12:55 am
It would be a good source of revenue for state and fed govts. It's less harmful than alcohol, although any smoke put into lungs is unhealthy it can be used in many forms other than smoking, the Cbd it contains helps pain management. It also helps promote appetite and stop nausea.
2019-01-20 1:01 am
Marijuana shouldn't be legalized in fact: it's a drug, and drugs destroy the brain
2019-01-20 12:38 am
Because it's really quite harmless. (My gf gets nice and horny when she takes it so we always give her some before sex or filming our porn - but then again, i live in Ontario, Canada, where mj is legal already.)


2019-01-20 12:37 am
It usually has something to do with 'I should be able to choose what substances go into my own body' but weed stinks and it travels far so if you smoke it in a tight estate then the whole estate will be involuntarily getting it in their bodies.
2019-01-20 1:44 am
the only people in favor of legalization are pothead addicts who want to get high all the time they ALL claim it is not addictive and they are NOT addicts but anyone who knows pot smokers knows that isn't true
2019-01-20 12:54 am
because the illegality causes smuggling, and fire-hazards.

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