Why do dentists give you so much grief when you start visiting?

2019-01-19 8:04 pm
I have had no dental insurance since I turned 18 (I am now 27). I do brush my teeth, of course, but I haven't had a dentist because of the out of pocket costs being too high.

I started receiving dental insurance through my employer this month, so I had my first visit this past Monday. All the dentist did was ride me over not having been to a dentist in so long. He kept asking me if I even cared about my teeth at all, and made it seem like I was cheap for not yanking hundreds of dollars out of my pocket for regular visits before now.

Why give me such hell when I'm paying him to do a service for me?

回答 (11)

2019-01-19 8:09 pm
See a different dentist for your next visit. This one is no good.
2019-01-19 8:18 pm
Go to someone different.
2019-01-23 5:02 am
Why? Because you did NOT seek dental help earlier!
2019-01-19 8:20 pm
Don't take it so personally. It's more like he was angry at "the system" than being personally angry at you. Believe it or not, a lot of health care professionals (nurses, dentists, doctors) feel HURT when people haven't been able to take care of themselves as they should.

I guarantee that is take care of your teeth between now ad your next dental check up, your dentist will be delighted. So make sure that at least once in every 24 hours you take 3 minutes to floss CORRECTLY and brush CORRECTLY. The result will be (1) perfect check ups with no new cavities and no signs of gum disease, along with (2) dentists thinking of you as a favorite patient.

Did you FLOSS yet today? Don't put it off. Just 3 minutes a day spent PREVENTING problems with your teeth will save you so much money, so much discomfort. And having healthy natural teeth in your mouth will not only make you better looking, it will help you live longer. So start the new year by being a person a MUST brush and floss daily.

I'm old, great granny old, and I'm still feeling thankful to that unhappy dentist who taught me how to brush and floss. Only 2 "bad teeth" in the last 50 years! And I used to have at least one cavity every 6 month check up. If a daffy duck like me can do it, then YOU can do it. All you have to do is start, then not stop.
2019-01-19 8:20 pm
Human greed runs the world ????
2019-01-19 8:14 pm
because you're an idiot. dentists don't give a crap about your money; they have plenty. they do give a crap about your gross irresponsibility, and it pisses them off.
get a job in healthcare, dipwads.
2019-01-23 2:39 pm
Stop crying and start taking care of your choppers for crying out loud.
2019-01-23 5:25 am
You need a different dentist.
2019-01-23 5:15 am
Look at the bright side. The next time you go he can't say it anymore.
2019-01-19 9:43 pm
DUNNO.....BUT find a real dentist, a Holistic dentist, may cost some money but not your health, use YELP to help you locate one nearby........I'll never go back to dial-up.....
2019-01-23 5:56 am
I was in the same satiation as you in a way. I had a horrible experience with my last dentist(after wisdom teeth extractions that sent me via hospital and going into shock ). I went 4 years without seeing a dentist after and found an amazing dentist where I live now. He asked me why it had been 4 years, so I explained. He said, Get your *** out and find someone new! :). Best thing I have ever heard from a Dentist. And yes, I work in Health Care and we too can curse. Read some reviews about dentists in your area and good luck!

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