Is it true that sleeping near a turned off TV is bad for you?

2019-01-19 1:48 am
Somebody told me that a whle ago and it has been bothering me since I sleep near a TV too. It s not turned on of course, it s just really close to me because that s how furniture happens to be laid out in my room. Should I change my position? It would be a bit of a bother but I guess I could do it.

回答 (15)

2019-01-19 6:50 am
2019-01-19 5:16 am
It is no more dangerous than sleeping near a lamp that is off. Quit listening to nonsense.
2019-01-19 1:49 am
nope ......................................................
2019-01-19 7:30 am

Stop even Trying to believe that kind of garbage.
2019-01-19 1:52 am
That used to be the case with some CRT TVs. They emit radiation when they are turned on and some continued to do so in standby. If it's actually turned off at the set, there's no radiation. With flat screen TVs, there's no problem.
2019-01-19 1:50 am
what is considered "close"? I have two TVs in my room, one for gaming one for cable. along with other electronics. they are probably at most five feet away from where i sleep. and have been for at least ten years when i got them all. i think you're OK.
2019-01-21 7:00 pm
i heard that plasma tv.s ,which i have a 42" two feet from my bed would be bad
2019-01-21 5:23 am
2019-01-20 8:45 am
No. Where did you hear that from?
2019-01-22 4:44 am
ideally you should have no technology in your bed room. Its the radiation from it that keeps you up. Or at the least everything should be unplugged before you go to bed.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:56:32
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