If I flew with 5k in cash in my carry on, would TSA get suspicious and seize my money?

2019-01-18 12:52 pm

回答 (9)

2019-01-19 12:51 am
They will not confiscate it and unless you are traveling internationally, there is no limit to the amount of currency you could carry...

Customs cares about this...not the TSA.
2019-01-18 12:55 pm
Depends on how much you are allowed to carry with you.. I'd search that info before I travel
2019-01-26 1:59 am
Uh, no. TSA isn't a financial enforcement agency. They couldn't care less if you have $5k in your carry on or in your pocket. There are other agencies that might be involved if you're EXPORTING things that exceed the general license amounts in the rules. You may need to file an export declaration for some large amount of cash, not to mention certain expensive laptops or any property you're exporting for sale.
2019-01-19 1:59 am
You don't even have to tell them unless flying internationally with $10,000 or more
2019-01-18 9:37 pm
You have to declare any money if asked and always over 10k, if they think it is suspicious you provide a reciept from taking it out of your bank...problem solved
2019-01-21 7:08 pm
If I flew with 5k in cash in my carry on, would TSA get suspicious and seize my money - No. BUT you do need to declare any money you are carrying over $x amount
2019-01-19 10:31 pm
I believe $10K is the threshold.
2019-01-18 10:42 pm
Definitely. Also, the nervous scared look on your face is a dead giveaway.
2019-01-19 12:23 am
Convert to travelers checks before boarding..
2019-01-18 3:12 pm
Probably so yes ..
Why not either have it in your wallet or as a cashier's check you can cash upon arrival?

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